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convention updates
  • Tuesday, June 29
  • Monday, June 28
  • Sunday, June 27
  • Saturday, June 26
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Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions Committee brought forth the following resolutions which were approved by the membership: 

Resolution #1 
Whereas many members of the Wisconsin Holstein Association believe in breeding cattle with a balance of type and production.

And whereas the January 2010 TPI formula only gives a 25% weighting to type conformation and an extremely high weighting to health traits.

Be it resolved that Holstein Association USA re-evaluate the TPI formula and raise the type contribution to a level that more accurately reflects what breeders desire for a balance of type and production.

Resolution #2 
Whereas the members of the Wisconsin Holstein Association and all Registered Holstein breeders across the country rely on genetics for a significant portion of their profit.

And whereas, all breeders fund the genetic system with DHIA testing fees, breed association activity, and semen purchases.

Be it resolved, that the Wisconsin Holstein board of directors on behalf of their membership direct the Holstein USA Board of Directors to advise USDA's Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory (AIPL) that breeders need a genetic system that creates long-term confidence in genetic predictions. That genetic system must allow breeders to compare animals on the same scale. Further, breeders must have ample opportunity to contribute feedback to proposed AIPL changes and be advised at least three to six months before proposed changes are implemented. Still further, new genetic calculations should not be published when using female DNA (which is the intellectual property of each respective breeder) unless approved by the Holstein Association and its board of directors. And lastly, all industry partners should work on developing a long-term vision for genomics.

Resolution #4 
Whereas longtime Holstein Association Chief Executive Officer and Executive Secretary Robert Rumler passed away this year, be it resolved that the Association formally recognizes the contributions he made to the Holstein Association and share with you his philosophy on life:

MASTERFUL LIVING by James Michener

"The Master in the Art of Living draws no distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion.  He hardly knows which is which.  He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves it to others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he is always doing both."

Resolution #5 
Be it resolved that the delegates of the 125th Annual Meeting of Holstein Association USA, Inc. extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to our hosts, the Minnesota Holstein Association.

The Holstein Association acknowledges that considerable work and planning go into arranging social activities that contribute to an enjoyable National Holstein Convention.  The Association appreciates the attention to detail that the Minnesota Holstein Association members have given each of these events.  The Association sincerely thanks the organizers and their committees for their work in creating an unforgettable week in Minnesota!
Therefore, the Holstein Association USA, Inc. commends and congratulates the Minnesota Holstein Association for their warm welcome and hospitality during our celebration of this special anniversary, the 125th Annual Meeting.

Board Elections

Re-elected to his second three-year term on the Holstein Association USA board of directors was Leroy Eggink, representing Region 6.

Elected to their first three-year term on the board are Peter B. Waterman, Maine, for Region 1; Gayle M. Carson, Tennessee, in Region 4; and Corey Geiger, Wisconsin, for the At-Large position.

Retiring from the board of directors this year are Gordon M. Cook, Jr., At-Large Director; John C. Kalmey, Ky., from Region 4; and William H. Peck, N.Y., of Region 1. 

Junior Results

The six Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) finalists were named:
Jacob Brey, Wisconsin
Katie Hanehan, New York
Leah Henkes, Iowa
Megan Herberg, Minnesota
Benjamin Kinnard, Wisconsin
Maureen Lee, Wisconsin

California defeated Minnesota in the Junior Dairy Bowl finals.

In the Senior Dairy Bowl competition, Pennsylvania bested the team from Washington to claim the title.

A new contest this year, the Dairy Knowledge Exam, gave any interested youth the opportunity to take the quiz that has traditionally been the dairy bowl seating exam. An extra 97 youth participated this year! 

Junior Dairy Knowledge Exam results:
*1st: Tony Lopes, CA
*2nd: Elisabeth Regusci, CA
*3rd: Nicholas Logan Potts, VA

Senior Dairy Knowledge Exam results:
*1st: Hayley Potts, VA
*2nd: Katherine Nissen, CA
*3rd: Chad Horst, PA

Dairy Bowl sportsmanship awards went to the Georgia Junior team and the Illinois Senior team.

Three new youth area representatives were elected to the Junior Advisory Committee:
Area II: Tera Koebel, Michigan
Area IV: Brooke Schoenbachler, Washington
At-Large: Derek Wasson, Pennsylvania

The Junior Division Speech contest had 21 contestants. Winners were:
* 1st: Kate Carlson, IL
* 2nd: Christy Achen, MN
* 3rd: Laura Lesher, PA

The Intermediate Division Speech contest had 19 contestants. Winners were:
* 1st: Sarah Sheehan, IL
* 2nd: Michael Rush, PA
* 3rd: Morgan Bollech, IL

In the Senior Division Speech contest, which had 13 contestants, the winners were:
* 1st: Sarah Caldwell, PA 
* 2nd: Katie Hanehan, NY
* 3rd: Corbin Wood, PA

The Folding Display contest had 40 entries in three divisions. Winners included:
* 1st Junior: Erin Leach, KS
* 1st Intermediate: Jacob Shaffer, PA
* 1st Senior: Corbin Wood, WI

The state banner competition, winners were:
* 1st: Illinois
* 2nd: Missouri
* 3rd: Georgia

States have the chance to showcase their state's activities in the annual scrapbook competition. This year's contest had 12 quality entries:
* 1st: Washington
* 2nd: Iowa
* 3rd: Ohio

The Digital Scrapbook contest had 7 entries. Virginia submitted the winning digital scrapbook.

National Convention Banquet - "A Night at the Speakeasy"

Timothy Baker, Star-Summit Holsteins, of Byron Center, Mich. was honored as the 2010 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder.

Ida B. Ruby of Scio, Ore. received the 2010 Distinguished Leadership Award.

Doug Maddox, RuAnn and Maddox Dairies, of Riverdale, Calif., was recognized as the 2010 Elite Breeder Award recipient.

On the heels of the Dairy Leaders for Tomorrow campaign launch, a special art auction was held at the conclusion of the banquet, featuring Bonnie Mohr's latest painting - "The Beautiful Cow." The original was sold, with proceeds benefiting the Holstein Foundation's campaign. A 42-member syndicate had been developed at auction time, that purchased the original for $21,000, then donated it back to be re-sold. The Hoese Family Foundation then purchased the original "Beautiful Cow" painting for $19,000, with Ron Pietersma as contending bidder. 

Thanks to the Minnesota Holstein Association for hosting a lively, enjoyable and productive National Holstein Convention and Annual Meeting.

Look for more Convention coverage in upcoming press releases and the Holstein Pulse..

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This morning began with an interesting Early Bird Session, featuring Michael T. Collins, DVM, PhD, DACVM of the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine speaking about Johne's Disease.

Following that, the 125th Annual Meeting of Holstein Association USA started out with reports from President Larry Tande and Chief Executive Officer John M. Meyer. Chief Financial Officer Barbara Casna presented the 2009 financial report.

Extensive discussion about genomics followed Tom Lawlor's presentation about genetic evaluations, the changes that happened in April, and what members can expect in the future. Additional coverage about the subject will be included in the Summer 2010 Holstein Pulse.

Four positions on the Holstein Association USA board of directors are up for election this year. Candidates had the chance to address delegates this afternoon, and elections will be held on Tuesday.

Candidates are:     
Region 1
Thomas Kugler, Valley Falls, N.Y.
Martha Seifert, Orwell, Vt.
Peter B. Waterman, Sabattus, Maine

Region 4
Gayle M. Carson, Gray, Tenn.
Walter V. McClure, Sr., Rocky Mount, Va.
  Region 6
Leroy Eggink, Sibley, Iowa

Corey Geiger, Mukwonago, Wis.
Mike Jones, Marshall, Ind.

The ten Herd of Excellence award winners were honored:

Joseph Brantmeier
Hilrose Holsteins, Sherwood, Wis.

Charles Duncan
Duncan Farm, Warsaw, Ohio

Allen Dent Johnson
Jafral Holsteins, Hamptonville, N.C.

Steve & Amanda Killian
Dirt-Road Holsteins, Blair, Wis.

Randy W. Kortus
Mainstream Holsteins, Lynden, Wash.
Bruce & Brenda Long
B-Long Holsteins, New London, Wis.

Lloyd & Denise Pease
Sweet-Peas Holsteins, Susquehanna, Pa.

Jake & Sallianne Tanis
Ideal Holsteins, Centre Hall, Pa.

Benjamin & Carolyn Turner
Maplelane-Manor Farm, Apulia Station, N.Y.

Daniel Vandertie
Doorco Holsteins, Brussels, Wis.

Eight of the 125 new 40-Year Members were on hand to receive their certificates and medallions.

Eskdale Dundee Marcia Mona, owned by Siemers Holstein Farms, Inc., Newton, Wis. was honored as the 2009 Star of the Breed.

Thirty-five teams competed in both the Junior and Senior divisions of the Dairy Bowl competition. The finals will be held on Tuesday morning, with California and Minnesota competing for the Junior title, and Washington and Pennsylvania squaring off to be named champions of the Senior division. The evening concluded with beautiful weather, food and fellowship, and great cattle at the National Convention Sale, held at the Scott County Fairgrounds. A large crowd gathered to appreciate the lots of high quality Registered Holstein cattle.
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Host Day had a full schedule that gave everyone the chance to get out and see the sites of Minnesota. During the day, two tour options were offered. The first group visited Sapa-Ska Holsteins, the Pierson family, in Lake City, before departing for a relaxing riverboat cruise down the Mississippi River, and rounding out their afternoon with a
visit to the National Eagle Center. Others headed west for some more farm tours at Flower-Brook Holsteins, the Stuewe family, in Hamburg; Glenmark Genetics and Bonnie Mohr Studio, the Mohr Family, in Glencoe;
Floralawn Holsteins, home of the Rickeman family, in Hutchinson; and Raylore Farm, the Olson family, also of Hutchinson. The weather
cooperated wonderfully, and it was apparent that all of our tour hosts had put a great deal of effort into welcoming members to their farms.

Soon after returning from tours, adults and Juniors together headed to
the beautiful Minnesota Landscape Arboretum for the evening's activity
- the "Experience Minnesota" Family Night. Minnesota's own version of
the Amazing Race showcased some of the products that have been
developed at the Arboretum, and the band Trouble Shooter was on hand
to provide musical entertainment for all to enjoy.

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The 2010 National Holstein Convention got off to an interesting start with the threat of some severe weather, but at the end of the day things cleared up and it looks like the weather is supposed to be beautiful for the remainder of our time in Minnesota! The hospitality is second to none, and the air is already buzzing with several large groups checking in.

The Dairy Jeopardy contest ran throughout the day on Saturday. In three divisions, there were 87 participants. Here are the results:

Junior Division
1st Place: Emily Irwin, Illinois
2nd Place: Bailee Whitehead, Missouri
3rd Place: Isabelle Leonard, Virginia
Intermediate Division
1st Place: Katie Wendorf, Wisconsin
2nd Place: Tony Lopes, California
3rd Place: Cody Getschel, Wisconsin
Senior Division
1st Place: Casey Arlig, New York
2nd Place: Jordan Hanson, Iowa
3rd Place: Kelly Lee, Wisconsin

At the Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) Luncheon, twelve DJM semi-finalists were honored. After a round of interviews, six finalists will be announced at the Junior Awards Luncheon on Tuesday afternoon.

Abigail Andrew, Newark, N.Y.    Leah Henkes, Luana, Iowa
Jacob Brey, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.   Megan Herberg, St. Peter, Minn.
Elizabeth Cloninger, Centre Hall, Pa.   Benjamin Kinnard, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
Laura Elliot, Marshall, Wis.   Maureen Lee, Johnson Creek, Wis.
Jenna Fox, Rockwood, Pa.   Austin Schwartzbeck, Union Bridge, Md.
Katie Hanehan, Stillwater, N.Y.   Mark Simon, Farley, Iowa

The eight Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) finalists were also honored at the luncheon:

Justin Crull, Poplar Grove, Ill.    Aryn Martin, Gorham, Maine
Charles Hamilton, Cuba City, Wis.   Amanda Moretti, Petaluma, Calif.
Sara Kitchen, Danville, Pa.   Nicholas Schuster, Fond du Lac, Wis.
Cassy Krull, Lake Mills, Wis.   Staci Sherer, Tillamook, Ore.

Juniors rounded out the day with the Prepared Public Speaking Contest, Dairy Knowledge Exam (results of both will be announced at the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday), and a mixer and dance.

Adults that weren't involved in Junior activities today had the chance to fish at Lake Mille Lacs, known as the "walleye capital of the world" or tour some of Central Minnesota's fine Holstein herds: Melarry Farms, the Hackett family, in Rice; Ralma Holsteins, the Schmitt family, also in Rice; and Starlight Acres, operated by Tracy Schaefer and Karla Smieja, in Little Falls.