
Tiara Brothen, Viroqua, Wisconsin
"Spring Snacking"

1- "Cows on pasture" - Connor Siemers, Newton, Wisconsin
2- "Soaking up the Sun" - Joseph Opsal, Blue Mound, Wisconsin
3- "My parents and brother Royce enjoying time at the State Show" - Cole Booth, Plymouth, Wisconsin

1- "Happy calf" - Campbell Booth, Plymouth, Wisconsin
2- "Autumn Holsteins" - Evelyn Troutman, Myerstown, Pennsylvania
3- "My flush cows enjoying the lush pasture" - Ava Booth, Plymouth, Wisconsin
Katherine Larson, Viroqua, Wisconsin
Creamy Dairy Caramel Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
1- Sarah Lehner, Delaware, Ohio – Charleston Cheese Dip
2- Ellie Ainslie, West Winfield, New York – Caramel Apple Skillet Cake
3- Katherine Gathje, Richmond, Minnesota – Cheddar Bits
1- Cole Meyer, Hanover, Kansas – Mexican Lasagna
2- Brandon Rokey, Sabetha, Kansas – Coconut Cream Pie
3- Clarissa Ulness, Valders, Wisconsin – Cherry Torte
Matt Ruby, Scio, Oregon
Sarah Lehner, Delaware, Ohio
Austin Holcomb, Lithia, Florida
Joseph Real, Georgia, Vermont
Taylor Leach, Linwood, Kansas
Nevin Erbsen, Lanark, Illinois
John Achen, 14, of Aberdeen, South Dakota, is the grand prize winner of Holstein Association USA Inc.’s 2015 Junior Essay Contest. View his winning essay here. John’s essay "Milk is the Real MVP," also won first in the junior division. As grand prize winner, John receives a Kindle Fire.
Other division winners are:
Dawson Nickels,
Watertown, Wisconsin-
"The Holstein Breeder I Would Want to Have Dinner With."
Senior Division: Tony Lopes, Gustine, California- "Registering Your Success."
Click on the links above to view their winning essays.
, please contact: Susan Harlow,
Communications Manager
800.952.5200 ext. 4165 |