Brattleboro, Vt. (November 29, 2010)…The 2011 National and Qualified Judges Lists are now available from Holstein Association USA. The purpose of the lists is to provide show managers a list of individuals interested in and qualified to judge high-caliber dairy shows. The two lists may be found on the Association web site at www.holsteinusa.com/shows/judges.html.
Individuals on the National Judges List are approved by the Holstein Association USA board of directors to serve as judges at National Holstein Shows. In 2011, all National Holstein Shows will be required to choose their judges from this list if selecting a judge from the United States. Nationally-sanctioned Junior Holstein Show judges and National Holstein Show associate judges must be selected from either the National Judges List or the Qualified Judges List. Holstein Association USA encourages state and regional Holstein show management to utilize the National and Qualified Judges Lists when selecting judges for their shows.
New in 2011 will be a series of three National Holstein Judges Conferences, to be held across the country. In future years, individuals will be required to attend one of these conferences to maintain their status on the list, and it will be a prerequisite for anyone interested in applying for the Judges Lists going forward. Individuals must attend one conference every three years to meet the requirement. More information on these conferences will be available in the coming months.
For complete information about National Holstein Shows and Junior Holstein Shows, visit www.holsteinusa.com and click on the National Shows button in the main menu. With questions, contact Peter Cole at 800.952.5200, ext. 4127.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (November 24, 2010)...The Holstein Association USA, Inc. board of directors held its fall meeting in Chicago, Ill. on November 18 and 19. President Larry Tande chaired the two-day session.
The board approved the 2011 Management-by-Objective Business Plan and associated budget. The Business Plan projects growth in sales of Holstein Association USA products and services and provides a financial incentive for members who are enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE and use the Start-up program.
Holstein COMPLETE is a convenient package of services including registration, classification, mating information, pedigrees, genetic reports, and production records. For more information about any of the Association’s programs and services and items included in this article, visit www.holsteinusa.com, or call Customer Service at 800.952.5200.
Update on 2010 Business Plan
Management is pleased to announce registrations through November 13th were 295,462, the second highest total in the last 12 years, up 2.1 percent over 2009. Strong growth in transfer activity is evidenced by the 60,138 transfers made through November 13th, which is an increase of 8.5 percent from 2009.
Reporting through November, COMPLETE enrollment totaled 239,007 cows and 1,764 herds. This represented a 3 percent increase in cows and 2.1 percent increase in herds since the end of 2009.
AgriTech Analytics (ATA) General Manager Bill VerBoort announced through the end of October, ATA has processed records on 877,174 animals. This is up nearly 2 percent over 2009 enrollments. ATA currently ranks second highest, among four processing centers, in the number of cow records processed. For more information about ATA, visit www.agritech.com.
Committee Reports
The board of directors heard reports from the following committees:
1. Audit
2. Genetic Advancement (GAC)
3. Junior Advisory (JAC)
4. Legislative Affairs
5. Show
6. Type Advisory (TAC)
The GAC recommended to the board of directors that no changes be made to the current TPISM formula. However, the board did not accept the recommendation; in the meantime, the TPI formula will remain unchanged until the board has an opportunity to review alternatives. Reflecting on another of the GAC’s recommendations, the board approved the following TPI vision statement:
The TPI formula is the gold standard in ranking world-wide Holstein genetics, serving as a rudder for the genetic progress of the breed. The formula represents HAUSA's vision for the improvement of the domestic and international Holstein population for the next five years, encompassing animals identified in the herdbook as well as the commercial Holstein population. The formula is not necessarily aimed at breeding individual cows, but rather to advance the entire genetic pool. HAUSA recognizes and encourages diversity in breeding philosophies to further the progress in the Holstein breed.
Regarding the Type Advisory Committee’s recommendations, the board approved the request for the GAC to look at possible ways to implement a change to the TPI formula to help slow the rate of growth in stature. Additionally, the board approved a recommendation to explore creating a new model cow.
Most noteworthy from the Junior Advisory Committee, the board approved several recommendations relating to the National Junior Holstein Showring Policy:
- Change the transfer date requirements to June 1st for cows and heifers for the 2011 Junior Holstein shows.
- Change the lease rule so all lease applications must be received by June 1st in the year exhibiting for 2011 shows.
- Clarify present rules regarding junior ownership which will disqualify an animal from Junior recognition by:
- Transferring an animal into or out of a junior’s name after the deadline.
- Adding or dropping any adult or junior member as owners after the deadline.
The board approved the Legislative Affairs Committee’s recommendations to:
- Reinforce the support of the HAUSA board’s decision to support bills H.R. 5288 and S. 3531.
- Universally adopt the California Standards for milk solids.
- Support the National Milk Producers Federation suggestion for reducing the Somatic Cell Count step-wise to 400,000 by January 1, 2014.
From the Show Committee, the board approved the same slate of National Shows for 2011 as has been in effect for 2010. The board approved these additional recommendations from the committee:
- The 2011 National and Qualified Judges’ Lists;
- Plans for three judges’ conferences in 2011;
- The open show judge for National shows must be selected from the Holstein Association USA National Show Judges List for 2012 and beyond;
- The associate judges for National shows must be selected from either the National or Qualified Judges List beginning in 2011.
Other Business
In keeping with the policy to allow the release for reuse of a prefix after 20 years of non-use, the board will release 1,938 prefixes effective December 30, 2010.
The board also approved price increases in area and non-area classifications which have not been increased since 1994. There will be no price increase for the classification option included in the Holstein COMPLETE program or the Introductory classification option.
Upcoming Meetings
The next board meetings are:
- Spring board meeting March 24-25, 2011, Brattleboro, Vt.
- Summer board meeting June 21-22, 2011. This will be in Richmond, Va. held in conjunction with the 126th Annual Meeting.
For more information, contact Lindsey Worden at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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On December 30, 2010, approximately 1,900 prefixes (which have been unused for over 20 years) will be released and available for member’s use. Allowing the reuse of old, unused prefixes will give new members an opportunity to reserve a prefix that fits them and their farm.
The following are conditions regarding prefixes, as dictated by Board policy:
- After being reviewed by the board of directors, prefixes that have not been used to name a Registered Holstein in more than 20 years will be available for reuse.
- A prefix may be released for reuse after less than 20 years with the consent or request of the proprietor.
- The board of directors reserves the right to permanently retire a prefix.
- The proprietor may request permanent retirement of their prefix for a $100 fee.
With general questions in regards to prefix availability, contact Customer Service at 800.952.5200. If you have specific questions about the prefix policy, or are interested in retiring a prefix, contact Peter Cole at ext. 4127.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (November 9, 2010)…A new section is now available on the Holstein Association USA web site that will be of interest to dairy enthusiasts who enjoy Registered Holstein shows. Titled "Pedigree Analysis of National Holstein Show Winners," this section contains various lists that provide a closer look at the genetics behind the some of the most elite cattle in the Holstein breed. To view the lists, visit www.holsteinusa.com and scroll to the Popular Lists section towards the bottom of the homepage.
Holstein females used in the compilation of the data were those that placed in the top three in their respective age class at the 11 National Holstein Shows held in 2010. This year, that included 217 heifers and 279 cows.
The lists will be updated annually, following the last National Holstein Show of the year. Three main areas will be featured: Leading Sires of 2010 National Holstein Show Winners, Leading Maternal Grandsires of 2010 National Holstein Show Winners, and Most Common Sire Stacks of 2010 National Holstein Show Winners. Each area features separate lists for heifers and cows, along with an overall ranked list of bulls for the category. In addition to the lists, viewers will find other information that may be of interest, such as average classification scores for each class.
2010 Results
Braedale Goldwyn receives the distinction of being the 2010 Overall Leading Sire of National Holstein Show Winners, siring 28 heifers in the top three of their classes and 40 cows. Goldwyn is also the Leading Sire of Show Winning Cows, and runner-up in the Leading Sires of Heifers category.
Regancrest Elton Durham-ET is the 2010 Overall Leading Maternal Grandsire of National Holstein Show Winners, found on the bottom side of the pedigree of 24 heifers and 29 cows that placed in the top three in their classes. He ranks number one in both the Heifer and Cow categories of the Leading Maternal Grandsires lists.
When looking at both sides of the pedigree, the Most Common Sire Stack of 2010 National Holstein Show Winners was the combination of Braedale Goldwyn x Regancrest Elton Durham-ET, with 12 animals resulting from that mating.
View the complete Leading Sire lists under the Popular Lists section on the Holstein Association USA homepage, or go directly to www.holsteinusa.com/shows/pedanalysis_show_winners.html.
For more information, contact Lindsey Worden at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (November 8, 2010)…Two new staff members have joined the Holstein Association USA team, both serving the membership in different capacities. Chris Lyons is the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Representative, and Dr. Roger D. Shanks is the new Dairy Genetics Consultant. Both will be based out of their home offices.
Lyons, of Fort Atkinson, Wis., is a graduate of Western Illinois University, where he completed a degree in Ag Business/Finance. Chris brings a wealth of experience to his position, having grown up on a Registered Holstein farm in Illinois, and working with AI organizations over the past two decades.
Lyons' primary responsibility will be providing on-farm support for Holstein breeders in the following Wisconsin counties: Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Jefferson, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Racine, Rock, Sauk, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha and Winnebago. He may be reached at 920.723.2406 or [email protected].
Dr. Roger D. Shanks, from Urbana, Ill., has been a long-time professor of genetics in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois, retiring in September 2010 after 31 years of service. He grew up on a Registered Holstein farm and graduated from the University of Illinois with a Bachelors of Science in Agricultural Science in 1974. He received his Masters degree from Iowa State University in 1977, and his Doctorate from the same institution in 1979, where he studied under dairy geneticist, Dr. A.E. “Gene” Freeman.
At the University of Illinois, Dr. Shanks' research in his dairy lab focused on genetic abnormalities relating to production or survival; experimental and observational quantitative genetics; biochemical genetics; health and disease resistance; and genetic and economic aspects of dairy cattle breeding. He is currently editor in chief of the Journal of Dairy Science. Dr. Shanks' focus with Holstein Association USA will be on developing practical genetic products and services for dairy cattle breeders, helping members utilize the latest genetic technologies to be more profitable with their Registered Holsteins.
For more information, or to obtain a picture, contact Lindsey Worden at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (November 1, 2010)…Holstein Association USA is planning nine regional member meetings, to be held across the country this winter. All Holstein Association USA members, especially 2011 National Holstein Convention delegates, are encouraged to attend the regional meeting in their area. These sessions are an ideal forum to get updated on Association activities and programs, and provide an excellent opportunity for members to give their elected directors and Holstein Association USA staff input.
Following are the dates and locations for 2010-2011 regional member meetings, in chronological order:
Region 1: Brattleboro, Vt.
December 2, 2010
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Holstein Association USA headquarters
RSVP by 11/29/10 to Kelli Dunklee at [email protected]
Region 8: Grand Ronde, Ore.
December 4, 2010
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Spirit Mountain Casino
In conjunction with the Oregon Holstein Convention
Region 4: Staunton, Va.
December 10, 2010
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Staunton Golf & Conference Center
In conjunction with the Virginia Holstein Convention
Region 9: Bass Lake, Calif.
January 28, 2011
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Pines Resort on Bass Lake
In conjunction with the California Holstein Convention
Region 7: Springfield, Mo.
January 28, 2011
3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
University Plaza Hotel
In conjunction with the Missouri Holstein Convention
Region 3: Indianapolis, Ind.
January 29, 2011
2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Park 100-NW Ag Complex
In conjunction with the Indiana Holstein Convention
Region 2: Scranton, Pa.
February 17, 2011
2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
In conjunction with the Pennsylvania Holstein Convention
Region 5: Beaver Dam, Wis.
February 18, 2011
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Best Western
In conjunction with the Wisconsin Holstein Convention
Region 6: Dubuque, Iowa
February 25, 2011
2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn
In conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Convention
For complete address and lodging information for the regional meetings, visit www.holsteinusa.com/meetings/regionalmeetings.html. With questions, contact Jodi Hoynoski at 800.952.5200 ext. 4261.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (November 1, 2010)…Holstein Association USA offers several awards to recognize outstanding achievements of members and their work with Registered Holstein cattle. Applications may be obtained at www.holsteinusa.com or by contacting the national office. Applications for the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder, Elite Breeder, and Distinguished Leadership Award are due to the Holstein Association USA office by February 28, 2011.
The Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award recognizes significant accomplishments of young Registered Holstein Breeders, ages 21 to 40. Applicants may nominate themselves or be nominated, and may apply as individuals, a couple, or business partners. The winning applicant will receive travel and lodging expenses for two to the 2011 National Holstein Convention and a $2,000 cash award.
The Elite Breeder Award honors a living Holstein Association USA member, family, partnership, or corporation who has bred outstanding animals and thereby made a notable contribution to the advancement of U.S. Registered Holsteins. The applicant must have been a member of Holstein Association USA for at least five years. Applications will be considered for three years.
The Distinguished Leadership Award is given to an individual who has provided outstanding and unselfish leadership that has contributed to the improvement of the Holstein Association and/or dairy industry. This is a unique award, as the recipient does not necessarily have to be a member of Holstein Association USA. Applications for this award will also be considered for three years.
Additionally, a scholarship is available to students interested in agriculture who plan to pursue their Master’s Degree in Business Administration. The Robert H. Rumler MBA Scholarship awards $3,000 to a qualified individual pursuing their MBA at an accredited university. Applications for this scholarship are due to the Holstein office by April 15, 2011.
For more information on any of the Association's awards, visit www.holsteinusa.com, or contact Lindsey Worden at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (November 1, 2010)…Holstein Association USA offers several award opportunities for youth to honor achievements in their Registered Holstein project work. Applications for all 2011 awards are now available at the National Junior Holstein Association web site at www.holsteinusa.com/juniors.
Young Breeder and Production Awards
Recognitions such as the Junior Progressive Breeder, Breeder of an Excellent Cow, Breeder of a 30,000 Pound Cow and Lifetime Production awards may be completed by any Junior member owning an animal that meets the award criteria. To view the standards for each award, or to download an application, visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors, click on Awards in the main menu, then select the award you are interested in. Applications must be submitted to the Holstein Association USA office by May 1, 2011, and honorees will be announced in late June.
Distinguished Junior Member Program
Any active Holstein Junior member is eligible to apply for the Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM; ages 9 to 16) and the Distinguished Junior Member (DJM; ages 17 to 21) honors. These awards recognize youth for their accomplishments working with Registered Holstein cattle, leadership and enthusiasm for Holstein activities, as well as school and community involvement. The DJM recognition is the highest honor that can be given to Junior members.
Contestants prepare entry books summarizing their Junior Holstein activities and provide their views on current industry topics. Entries must be postmarked to Holstein Association USA by March 1, 2011. Some adjustments have been made to the 2011 competition, so be sure to review the application requirements carefully before beginning your entry. Application forms can be found at www.holsteinusa.com/juniors, then clicking on either DJM or YDJM from the main menu.
With questions about any Holstein Association USA Junior programs, contact Kelli Dunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124. Learn more about the various Junior Holstein activities and awards at www.holsteinusa.com/juniors.
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John Tauzel
Brattleboro, Vt. (August 3, 2010)…John R. Tauzel, Schenevus, N.Y., is the recipient of the 2010 Robert H. Rumler MBA Scholarship, administered by Holstein Association USA. The $3,000 scholarship is awarded annually to an individual pursuing their Master's degree of Business Administration. Tauzel will begin working towards his degree at the S.C. Johnson School of Management at Cornell University in August.
Tauzel has been involved his entire life with his family's dairy operation, J&J Tauzel Farms, in Worcester, N.Y., and was named a Holstein Association USA Distinguished Junior Member in 2000. He received his degree in Animal Science from Cornell University in May 2003. While in college he was involved with the Dairy Science Club, Cornell Lightweight Crew Team, and was both a Dairy Management Fellow and Farm Credit Fellow. While not employed at his family's farm full-time, John is still involved on a frequent basis, assisting with management decisions and lending his expertise to the operation.
"I am passionate about agriculture and natural resource policy," said Tauzel. "The wave of change currently approaching agriculture will require complex, market-based solutions. I believe an MBA from the Johnson School of Management, focused on sustainable global enterprise, will allow me to lead the development of policies related to these emerging forces."
For the past seven years, John has worked with New York Farm Bureau, Inc., most recently as a Senior Associate Director of Public Policy. In his capacity there, he severed as a member of the lobbying team, testifying before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee regarding water policy approaches related to agriculture, represented New York dairy farms in CAFO permit negotiations, and advocated for property tax changes.
"Working on each of these issues has allowed me to serve as a leader and an advocate for the agricultural community. However, the practical experience I've obtained has also made me aware that my continued ability to contribute on behalf of agriculture requires additional formal education," Tauzel explained. "My goal in obtaining an MBA is to gain a deeper knowledge of successful responses to change in order to help farmers meet new opportunities in the most financially, environmentally, and socially sustainable manner possible."
The Robert H. Rumler MBA Scholarship program was established to honor the former Holstein Association USA Executive Secretary at the time of his retirement after 36 years of service. Rumler believed that U.S. agribusiness, including production agriculture, needed and deserved the best trained, most highly qualified leader that the nation's educational system and practical experience could provide. For more information on the Robert H. Rumler MBA Scholarship, visit www.holsteinusa.com and click on Awards. Applications are due annually on April 15.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (July 13, 2010)…The summer meeting of the Holstein Association USA board of directors was held June 25-26 and 29, 2010. President Larry A. Tande chaired the meeting held at the Sheraton Bloomington Hotel in Bloomington, Minn.
2010 Business Plan
During the board meeting, staff presented updates on the 2010 Management-by-Objective Business Plan and year-to-date financials. From January to June 19th, registrations totaled 163,941 which is nearly a 2 percent increase from the same period in 2009.
Holstein COMPLETE enrollment continues to grow, with 236,581 animals in 1,739 herds enrolled. When comparing May 2009 to May 2010, the number of cows enrolled increased 2 percent. Classification has decreased 1 percent, with the classification team scoring 86,666 cows in 1,939 herds so far this year.
2010 Financial Update
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Barbara Casna presented to the directors the Holstein Association's consolidated financial statements as of May 31, 2010. The Association and its subsidiaries show year-to-date profit on operations of $342,000, which is $225,000 more than May 2009.
AgriTech Analytics (ATA)
AgriTech Analytics (ATA) General Manager Bill VerBoort, announced the re-certification of ATA by Quality Certification Services (QCS). ATA is certified through March 31, 2011.
Recently, ATA unveiled a new herd management report which enhances information supplied to dairy farmers thereby giving them additional tools to manage their herds. Through May, ATA processed 833,123 animals in 613 herds.
The Holstein Association USA board of directors thoroughly discussed members’ concerns over the results of the April 2010 genetic evaluations. Responding to those concerns, the board approved the following: “Since dams can receive imputed GTPIs from their sons whose genomic information is not always available to the owner or the public, we encourage the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) to release the bulls’ genomic information to Holstein Association USA.”
At issue is the fact that a young sire’s genomic information is not always available to the owner or public until the bull reaches two years of age or receives an official NAAB code. Therefore some young bulls that are genomically tested, but not purchased by an artificial insemination organization, have available information that is being withheld.
On a related genetics issue, the board had considerable discussion on the TPI formula and decided to consider the possibility of increasing the emphasis on type in the formula. During the board meeting, the directors shared their thoughts on possible changes to the formula and directed a complete analysis of it.
Supply Management
The U.S. House of Representatives introduced H.R. 5288, a bill which contains elements of the Association’s Dairy Price Stabilization Program (DPSP). CEO John M. Meyer commended Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA) who introduced the bill, along with co-sponsors Congressmen Joe Courtney (D-CT) John Larson (D-CT), Rick Larsen (D-WA), and Peter Welch (D-VT).
Reporting on the recent introduction of Senate Bill, S. 3531, CEO Meyer applauded Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for introducing the bill along with co-sponsors, Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Patty Murray (D-WA). S. 3531 has the DPSP as its cornerstone.
The Holstein Association USA board of directors voted to endorse H.R. 5288 and S. 3531, and acknowledged both bills are positive steps toward supply management legislation. These bills may provide dairy farmers relief from volatile milk prices, without waiting for the Farm Bill of 2012.
Next Meeting
The Holstein Association USA board will meet November 18-19, 2010 in Chicago, Ill.
For more information, contact Lindsey Worden at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (July 8, 2010)…Holstein Association USA, Inc. recently held its 125th Annual Meeting and National Convention in Bloomington, Minn., June 26-29. The Annual Meeting provided a time to update members on the state of Association affairs and discuss pertinent industry topics, as well elect new directors and recognize annual award winners.
State of the Association
During his Annual State of the Association address, CEO John M. Meyer provided updates on several issues impacting the Association and its membership.
The Dairy Price Stabilization Program (DPSP) is continually gaining momentum and some elected officials in Washington D.C. have come on board. Bills have been introduced in both the House of Representatives, H.R. 5288, and the Senate, S. 3531, which contain elements of the DPSP as their foundation. Members are encouraged to contact their elected representatives in support of these, and links to the bills can be found on the Holstein Association USA web site at www.holsteinusa.com.
Given the condition of the dairy industry, participation in Association programs was solid in 2009. Registration numbers totaled 327,622 in 2009, which is a six percent decrease compared to 2008, but still higher than any of the nine years prior to 2008. Holstein COMPLETE participation increased two percent, with 232,025 animals enrolled in the program. Another highlight was welcoming over 1,000 new Junior members to the Association, the highest total of new Juniors since 1998.
Association staff enacted several cost-saving measures in 2009, including a soft moratorium on travel, hiring freeze, wage freeze, and reduced overtime. These measures collectively saved $322,000 last year.
"Today, as we celebrate the wonderful history of Holstein Association USA and the world's greatest cow, the U.S. Registered Holstein, we have a lot to be optimistic about," Meyer concluded. "We have the cows and people to ensure a bright future for everyone involved in U.S. Registered HolsteinsSM."
Genomics Discussion
A topic that as been of great interest industry-wide in recent months is genomics. Tom Lawlor made a presentation to the membership during the Annual Meeting to help explain what changed with the April 2010 genetic evaluations in regards to imputation of cows with genomically-tested offspring and re-scaling of cows' PTAs. He also discussed what additional changes USDA-AIPL has indicated they would like to implement in 2011. Members had ample time to ask questions and discussed major areas of concern, particularly the accuracy of the genomic evaluations.
More coverage on this topic will be provided in the Summer 2010 issue of the Holstein Pulse.
Resolutions Adopted by the Membership
A total of 116 delegates from 39 states were present to vote on resolutions and elect directors on Tuesday morning. Several resolutions were presented to and adopted by the membership. They read as follows:
Resolution #1
Whereas many members of the Wisconsin Holstein Association believe in breeding cattle with a balance of type and production.
And whereas the January 2010 TPI formula only gives a 25% weighting to type conformation and an extremely high weighting to health traits.
Be it resolved that Holstein Association USA re-evaluate the TPI formula and raise the type contribution to a level that more accurately reflects what breeders desire for a balance of type and production.
Resolution #2
Whereas the members of the Wisconsin Holstein Association and all Registered Holstein breeders across the country rely on genetics for a significant portion of their profit.
And whereas, all breeders fund the genetic system with DHIA testing fees, breed association activity, and semen purchases.
Be it resolved, that the Wisconsin Holstein board of directors on behalf of their membership direct the Holstein USA board of directors to advise USDA's Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory (AIPL) that breeders need a genetic system that creates long-term confidence in genetic predictions. That genetic system must allow breeders to compare animals on the same scale. Further, breeders must have ample opportunity to contribute feedback to proposed AIPL changes and be advised at least three to six months before proposed changes are implemented. Still further, new genetic calculations should not be published when using female DNA (which is the intellectual property of each respective breeder) unless approved by the Holstein Association and its board of directors. And lastly, all industry partners should work on developing a long-term vision for genomics.
Resolution #4
Whereas longtime Holstein Association Chief Executive Officer and Executive Secretary Robert Rumler passed away this year, be it resolved that the Association formally recognizes the contributions he made to the Holstein Association and share with you his philosophy on life:
"Masterful Living" by James Michener
“The Master in the Art of Living draws no distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves it to others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he is always doing both.”
Resolution #5
Be it resolved that the delegates of the 125th Annual Meeting of Holstein Association USA, Inc. extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to our hosts, the Minnesota Holstein Association.
The Holstein Association acknowledges that considerable work and planning go into arranging social activities that contribute to an enjoyable National Holstein Convention. The Association appreciates the attention to detail that the Minnesota Holstein Association members have given each of these events. The Association sincerely thanks the organizers and their committees for their work in creating an unforgettable week in Minnesota!
Therefore, the Holstein Association USA, Inc. commends and congratulates the Minnesota Holstein Association for their warm welcome and hospitality during our celebration of this special anniversary, the 125th Annual Meeting.
Director Elections
Elections were held for four seats on the Holstein Association USA board of directors. Re-elected to his second three-year term on the board was Leroy Eggink, representing Region 6. Elected to their first three-year terms on the board were Peter B. Waterman, Maine, for Region 1; Gayle M. Carson, Tenn., in Region 4; and Corey Geiger, Wis., for the At-Large position.
Retiring from the board of directors this year are Gordon M. Cook, Jr., At-Large Director; John C. Kalmey, Ky., from Region 4; and William H. Peck, N.Y., of Region 1.
For more National Convention coverage, visit www.holsteinusa.com. Additional information will be available in the Summer 2010 issue of the Holstein Pulse.
The 2011 Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting and National Convention will be held June 22-25, 2011 in Richmond, Va.
For more information, contact Lindsey Worden at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (July 7, 2010)...Junior Holstein enthusiasts from across the country gathered in the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" last week to participate in a variety of Junior contests. While the competition was strong at the 2010 National Junior Holstein Convention, held in Bloomington, Minn., friendship and fun were plentiful.
Public Speaking Contest
This year’s Prepared Public Speaking competitions featured 53 contestants. In the Junior division (ages 9-13) the winner was Katie Carlson, Ill., with her speech entitled, "BVD." Second place was awarded to Christy Achen, Minn., with a speech on "The Five C's of Raising Calves." In third place, a talk entitled, “Milk Safe and Sound, Brought to You by Pennsylvania Dairy Farmers” was given by Laura Lesher, Pa.
In the Intermediate division (ages 14-17), Sarah Sheehan, Ill., won the division, speaking about "Public Relations." Michael Rush, Pa., took second place with "Perplexing Pricing," and third was Morgan Bollech, Ill., with "Production Management."
The Senior division (ages 18-21) first place winner was Sarah Caldwell, Pa., with her speech, “That's My Story." A speech titled “Feeding the World,” provided by Katie Hanehan, N.Y., took home second place. Finally, "Moo-ve Over Gatorade, Chocolate Milk is the New Sports Drink," by Corbin Wood, Pa., took third place.
Folding Display Competition
Participants in the Folding Display competition create a free-standing display on a dairy industry topic of their choice. The champion Junior division entry was created by Erin Leach, Kan., titled "Which Milk Replacer Will Be Better?" Second place honors went to Brianna Sheehan, Ill. with "What Drink Do You Do?" and third went to Sydney Davis, N.C., with "What Color Should We Paint the Nursery?"
In the Intermediate division, Jacob Shaffer, Pa., had the winning entry with "History of A.I. in the U.S. – Global Freezing." The display titled “Creamy and Delicious” by Sara Kitchen, Pa., placed second, while "It's In the Genes” by Joseph Martinelli, N.J., finished third.
The Senior division found Corbin Wood, Pa., in first with a display entitled “Chocolate Milk – The Best Sports Drink for Athletes." Jessica Hammerand, Iowa, placed second with her display, "Good Intentions Gone Bad." In third place the display “Ten Common Myths About Dairy Foods” edged out the rest of the competition, with Tera Koebel, Mich. as the creator.
State Scrapbook and Banner Competition
The traditional and digital state scrapbook contests give each state the opportunity to showcase and promote their Junior Holstein activities they do throughout the year.
In the State Scrapbook competition, 12 states submitted entries this year. Judges awarded Washington with the winning entry, while Iowa placed second and Ohio was third.
The Digital State Scrapbook competition is in its third year, and had 7 entries in 2010. This division mirrors the criteria in the traditional scrapbook competition, but must be presented on a computer, DVD player, or other digital format. The Junior members from Virginia took home first place in this year's competition.
The state banner competition allows states to show their creative promotional efforts in the format of a large banner, on display for all to see during the Convention. This year's contest found Illinois in first place. Second and third places were awarded to Missouri and Georgia, respectively.
Junior Advisory Committee Election Results
Each year, new Junior Advisory Committee (JAC) members are elected to oversee the Junior organization’s activities. The committee consists of four adult representatives appointed from different regions of the country, as well as a youth representative from each area, and, new this year, at-large youth representatives. One at-large youth was elected this year, and the second will be elected next year. Each youth serves a two-year term.
Elections were held for Areas II and IV at this year's National Junior Forum. The new Area II representative is Tera Koebel from Michigan. Area IV will now be represented by Brooke Schoenbachler of Washington, and the new At-Large representative is Derek Wasson from Pennsylvania.
For more information about Holstein Association USA youth programs, contact Kelli Dunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124.
The finalists in the 2010 National Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) competition were recently named during the National Junior Holstein Convention in Bloomington, Minn. Being named a DJM finalist is the highest honor a Junior Holstein member may receive, and is based on outstanding work throughout their dairy project career.
Maureen Lee, Katie Hanehan, Benjamin Kinnard, Megan Herberg, Leah Henkes, and Jacob Brey.
This year's finalists are: Jacob Brey, Wis.; Katie Hanehan, N.Y.; Leah Henkes, Iowa; Megan Herberg, Minn.; Benjamin Kinnard, Wis.; and Maureen Lee, Wis.
The six finalists were narrowed down from a field of twelve semifinalists that were interviewed during the Convention. Each of the six finalists will receive annual renewed memberships to Holstein Association USA.
The DJM contest is designed to honor Junior Holstein members ages 17 to 21 who have excelled in their junior project work, involvement on their farm, and in their communities. Twelve semifinalists are selected based on an entry book that includes the story of their junior Holstein work, information about their cattle, involvement in school and community activities, and personal view questions.
For more information or to obtain a photo of the award winners, please contact Lindsey Worden, Communications Manager, at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (July 1, 2010)…The delegate election is underway for next year's Holstein Association USA, Inc. Annual Meeting in Richmond, Va., June 24-25, 2011. Nominating petitions have been mailed to members, and will need to be returned to Holstein Association USA on or before July 30, 2010.
The following individuals are ineligible to be nominated, having served at the last three consecutive Annual Meetings:
Cheryl L. Warren Vest, Delaware
David Ruppert, Illinois
Michael Jones, Indiana
James Henry Koebke, Massachusetts
Jeffrey L. King, New York
Q. Joe Allen, Jr., North Carolina
Joseph Miley, Ohio
John S. Burket, Pennsylvania
Reid K. Hoover, Pennsylvania
Dwight C. Stoltzfus, Pennsylvania
Angie Ulness, Wisconsin
Mark A. Ulness, Wisconsin
Members are encouraged to nominate more individuals than the number of delegates allowed for their district, in case a substitute is needed. Once a member is nominated, he or she will receive notification. Nominees then need to inform Holstein Association USA if they wish to remove their name from the ballot no later than August 13.
Delegate election ballots will be mailed to members in late August, and are due at the Holstein Association office by October 22. Those on the ballot will be notified of the election results in November.
For more information, please contact Jodi Hoynoski at 800.952.5200 ext. 4261.
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President Larry A. Tande, CEO John M. Meyer, Michele Ruby, Ida Ruby, Scott Ruby, and Vice President Chuck Worden
Brattleboro, Vt. (July 1, 2010)…Ida B. Ruby, Scio, Ore., has been selected as the recipient of Holstein Association USA's 2010 Distinguished Leadership Award. This award recognizes an individual who has made a career of providing outstanding and unselfish leadership for the betterment of the dairy industry. Ruby received the award at the recent National Holstein Convention in Bloomington, Minn.
A third generation dairy farmer, Ida was born and raised on her parents' Registered Holstein farm in West Linn, Ore. She married Ray Ruby in 1965, and the couple began breeding Registered Holsteins under the Fir-Ridge prefix, after purchasing several cows from her parents' herd. They purchased Ray's father's farm in 1967, naming it Fir-Ridge Holstein Farm, and grew their business together over the next 40 years to its current size, milking over 1,000 Holsteins and farming 1,300 acres of land.
After moving to Scio, Ida began working at a local bank, helping on the dairy before and after work. She received numerous statewide achievements for her work in banking, retiring after 30 years. Ida used her skills to benefit her rural community, encouraging many to start investing in retirement funds. During that same time period, she started a small investment group for rural women, and still meets with them monthly to help invest in stocks and mutual funds.
Ida has been the Secretary/Treasurer of the Oregon Holstein Association for over 40 years, and has been a driving force in organizing many of the state's events. She has clerked every Holstein sale, state Black and White Show and futurity since the mid-1960's, and still works today, handling the logistics from show programs and sale catalogs to their awards and Annual Report. Oregon Holstein Association President Jake VanderStoel describes Ida as "the glue that holds the Association together," and says the organization has thrived because of her work.
Ruby applies her financial skills to many other areas of her life. She has been involved with the National Holstein Women's Scholarship Organization for the past 10 years, first as the Vice President and Scholarship Selection Chair, and now has served as President since 2005. NHWSO founding member Marilyn Herzog said, "Ida is a tireless worker for so many agricultural causes. When Ida is given a responsibility, she takes it on with passion. Through her leadership, many more young people have learned about, applied for, and received scholarships to further their education."
Ida has helped set up numerous memorial funds that benefit the Oregon Junior Holstein members, including establishing an endowment that provides $500 scholarships annually for youth to purchase a Registered Holstein calf. She also supports the youth in her state by encouraging them to become involved in Junior Holstein activities, and providing leadership to help them be successful once they do become active. She is notorious for motivating people to pursue their interests in agriculture, which can be seen in her children, Scott and Michele, who both have careers in agriculture.
On a local level, Ida was responsible for establishing the Scio Scholarship Foundation, which started with a few hundred dollars over 15 years ago. She oversees the investment of donations to this fund and continues to serve on the board of directors. Under Ida's leadership, the fund has grown to assets exceeding $160,000 and local students are awarded $7,500 in scholarships annually.
Ruby has been honored numerous times for the service she provides to the many organizations she is involved with. She has received the Community Service Award from the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association, the Oregon Dairy Women Appreciation Award, an Outstanding Service Award and Distinguished Service Award from Scio FFA, and the Oregon State University Dairy Club Leadership Award, among others.
For more information or to obtain a photo of the winners, contact Lindsey Worden, Communications Manager, at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (July 1, 2010)…Doug Maddox, Riverdale, Calif., is the 2010 recipient of Holstein Association USA's Elite Breeder Award. Maddox was honored at the recent National Holstein Convention in Bloomington, Minn. The award recognizes a Holstein breeder who has bred outstanding animals, making a notable contribution to the Holstein breed in the United States.
Maddox is known around the world as a good businessman, a mentor for younger dairy producers, and someone with a deep respect for the Holstein breed and dairymen worldwide. While his family did not operate a dairy farm, his Registered Holstein career began early. At the age of 14, a neighbor gave him a bull calf to show in FFA. Later, with the promise that if he accepted the gift he would attend college, he was given a heifer calf. Doug kept that promise, and by the time he graduated from California Polytechnic Institute, Maddox had grown his herd to 14 cows and 14 heifers.
RuAnn Dairy was established in 1957, when Maddox purchased the 500-acre ranch for $200 an acre. The RuAnn prefix is a combination of his parents' names – Rufus and Annie. He has grown his enterprise over the past 53 years, and today, between RuAnn and Maddox Dairies, there are over 5,000 Registered Holstein cows, with over 12,000 total animals. Aside from the dairy portion, the family farms 10,000 acres with 5,000 acres of vineyard and almonds, and 4,000 acres supplying feed for the dairies.
Marketing Registered Holstein genetics has always played an important role in the Maddox business plan. Over the years, Doug has exported dairy cattle, semen and embryos to over 40 countries, and he hosted eight popular RuAnn Fiesta Sales. He maintains a group of elite cattle on the farm strictly for embryos, and typically harvest between 3,000 and 4,000 embryos each year. Doug describes their philosophy as, "A commercial herd with breeder quality." Maddox believes in the basic principle that "like begets like," and embryo transfer is used heavily to speed genetic improvement. Today, they are averaging over 26,000 pounds of milk and 1,000 pounds of fat, with over 200 Excellent and over 1,500 Very Good cows in the herd.
Doug has given his time freely to numerous organizations, including Holstein Association USA, serving as a director from 1984-1992, and completing his term as Holstein Association USA President in 2009. He has served on many boards throughout the years in his community and the industry, including the Riverdale District School Board, National DHIA, the California Department of Food and Agriculture State Board, the California Milk Marketing Producer Review Board, and is past President of California DHIA.
Maddox has been honored numerous times throughout his career. He has received the National Dairy Shrine Distinguished Cattle Breeder Award, World Ag Expo Outstanding Dairy Producer of the Year, Cal Poly Outstanding Alumni in the School of Agriculture, Western Dairy Business Dairy Producer of the Year, Elite Producer of the Year Award at the Elite Producers Dairy Conference, and of course, the California Holstein Outstanding Young Breeder and Senior Breeder of the Year recognitions.
Doug and Matilda's four children are all involved in the family business. Steve and his wife, Brenda, and son, Stephen, Jr., run Maddox Dairy; Patrick and his wife, Mary, manage RuAnn Dairy; daughter Liz and her husband, Jamie Bledsoe, own and operate Golden Genes; and daughter Julie Chow serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the entire Maddox enterprise.
"Obviously, receiving this award is a great honor. However, in my case this should be a family award because I could never have done this without a lot of help," Maddox explained.
When asked if he had any advice to pass along to aspiring dairy producers, Doug's words are simple, but insightful: "Use common sense and be patient. Breeding Registered Holsteins is a lifetime commitment – it's a marathon, not a sprint."
For more information or to obtain a photo of the winners, contact Lindsey Worden, Communications Manager, at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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President Larry A. Tande, CEO John M. Meyer, Tim Baker, Jennifer Baker, and Vice President Chuck Worden.
Brattleboro, Vt. (July 1, 2010)…Holstein Association USA is pleased to announce Tim Baker, of Star-Summit Holsteins in Byron Center, Mich. as the 2009 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder. Tim was honored at the recent National Holstein Convention in Bloomington, Minn. on June 29.
Tim has worked with Registered Holsteins his entire life, and their family has a rich history in the dairy industry. This fall will mark the centennial anniversary for their farm, which was purchased by Tim's grandfather in October 1910. Baker's father, Henry, took over the dairy in 1957, and purchased his first Registered Holstein in 1959.
Tim's herd began in 1980, when his father gave him is first Registered calf for a 4-H project. That first calf went on to score VG-86 and produced over 230,000 pounds of milk, and many offspring can be found in Tim's current herd. He says, "My criteria then and still today for purchasing cows includes good quality cow families, top production, high type and components." Tim took over management of the farm himself in 1997. Today, he is milking 60 cows twice a day.
Baker's herd is enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE, and they classify every seven months, which is a valuable component of their marketing program. Right now in the herd, they have 42 Excellent, 30 Very Good and 6 Good Plus cows, with none lower.
Since he has taken over management, Star-Summit has received the Progressive Genetics Herd award six years and the Progressive Breeders Registry award seven years. Baker's herd is 92 percent homebred with a BAA of 111.5 percent, and production averages of 30,319 pounds of milk, 1,079 pounds of fat and 972 pounds of protein. They have been recognized with Holstein Association USA's Herd of Excellence recognition for two years – in 2008 and 2009. Adding to these impressive statistics, the farm has had 19 cows produce over 200,000 pounds of milk, eight of which are still in the herd today.
Tim's main goal for calves born on the farm is to have a continual increase in milk production while maintaining or improving type. Some bulls he is currently breeding cows to are Picston Shottle-ET, Regancrest Dundee-ET, Roylane Jordan-ET, Wilcoxview Jasper-ET, Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-ET and Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez. Baker says that of all bulls he's used in his herd, Regancrest Elton Durham-ET has, by far, had the greatest positive influence in his herd, siring several Very Good and Excellent high-producing cows for them.
"Owning Registered Holsteins has been the most influential aspect of our farming operation, because of the many ways it generates opportunities for marketing genetics of the herd," said Tim. "Income generated from the sale of Registered cattle has helped the farm survive the tough times and provides for improvements in good times," he continued, adding that the extra income has allowed them to modernize buildings and equipment, increasing the efficiency of their operation and the overall health and well-being of their cattle.
"Future investment in Registered Holsteins, I believe, is the only way to maintain this operation." Tim feels that given their size, location and the current status of the US dairy economy, the sale of Registered Holstein genetics will be critical to their future. "I wouldn't be milking today if it weren't for Registered cattle," Baker finished.
Tim has been a long-time member of the Michigan Holstein Association and has served six years on the Michigan Holstein Association board of directors, spending one term on the Executive Committee. He presently serves on the state show committee. He has also been involved with the Ottawa County DHIA board, and was president of their board in 2006-2007. Tim joined Holstein Association USA in 1991, and is taking a more active role this year, serving as a delegate at the 2010 National Convention.
Tim says, "I enjoy sharing my passion for quality animals with young people, and I believe it is very important to educate youth on dairy practices, as they are the future of this industry." He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children: Gerrit (11), Jack (9) and Elise (5).
For more information or to obtain a photo of the winners, contact Lindsey Worden, Communications Manager, at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (June 2, 2010)…The 2010 National Holstein Convention and 125th Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting will be held June 26-29, 2010 in Bloomington, Minn. The Minnesota Convention Planning Committee is working hard to offer a schedule with activities highlighting the sights and great cattle in Minnesota, as well as time to visit with other breeders and discuss Association business.
Events will kick off on Saturday, June 26. Juniors will get right down to business with a variety of competitions; Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) and National Holstein Women's Scholarship Organization (NHWSO) interviews will take place, along with the Dairy Jeopardy and Prepared Public Speaking competitions, and wrapping up the evening with the new Dairy Knowledge Exam. Adults will have a more leisurely start to the Convention, with the option of attending a fishing trip to Lake Mille Lacs or touring Holstein farms in central Minnesota.
On Sunday morning, June 27, a non-denominational devotion service will be offered, followed by two options for Host Day tours that will give Convention-goers a taste of Minnesota hospitality. The Mississippi River tour option will take participants to Sapa-Ska Holsteins, followed by a riverboat ride and a visit to the National Eagle Center. The Tour West option will showcase four Holstein herds: Flower-Brook Holsteins, Floralawn Holsteins, and Raylore Farm, with lunch hosted at Glenmark Genetics/Bonnie Mohr Studio. Everyone will come together on Sunday evening for Family Night at the beautiful Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. With the theme of "Experience Minnesota," a barbecue dinner including Minnesota products will be served, followed by a variety of activities and music provided by the Trouble Shooter Band.
The Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting will begin on Monday, June 28. An Early Bird session will be available, featuring Michael T. Collins, DVM, PhD, DACVM with his talk, "Johne's Disease: The Ostrich Approach Just Isn't Working!" Members will hear reports from CEO John M. Meyer and President Larry Tande on Association affairs, and Dr. Tom Lawlor will speak during the meeting on "Genetic Evaluations: What Happened in April and What We Can Expect in the Future." Those not attending the Annual Meeting may enjoy watching a few rounds of the youth Dairy Bowl competition, or go on a guided boat tour of scenic Lake Minnetonka. Monday evening will culminate with the National Convention Sale and Fish Fry at the Scott County Fairgrounds.
Board of directors elections will be the main focus of the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, June 29, with four positions on the board being filled. Several members have declared their candidacy. Running for the Region 1 seat are Thomas Kugler, N.Y.; Martha Seifert, Vt.; and Peter B. Waterman, Maine. Seeking election in Region 4 are Gayle M. Carson, Tenn., and Walter V. McClure, Sr., Va. Incumbent Leroy Eggink is seeking re-election in Region 6, and declared candidates for the At-Large position are Corey Geiger, Wis., and Mike Jones, Ind.
The Convention will conclude on Tuesday evening with the "Roaring 20's" themed Convention Banquet, where the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder, Elite Breeder and Distinguished Leadership Award recipients will be announced and honored.
Holstein Association USA's web site, www.holsteinusa.com, will be updated during Convention with pictures, contest results, and daily summaries. If you cannot attend the Convention in Minnesota, be sure to check in to see the latest news.
For updates on Convention activities or for lodging information, visit www.holsteinconvention2010.com.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (June 2, 2010)…The 2011 Holstein Association USA Judges List application is now available online at www.holsteinusa.com. Interested individuals should fill out the application completely and submit it to Holstein Association USA by August 1, 2010. Everyone included on either the 2010 National or Qualified Judges Lists must re-apply for the 2011 list.
The 2011 Judges List will be divided into two categories – National and Qualified. All National Holstein Shows are required to select their judge from the National Show Judges List. Nationally-sanctioned Junior Holstein Shows may select their judge from either the National or Qualified Judges Lists. Holstein Association USA encourages state and regional Holstein show management to utilize the Judges List when selecting judges for their shows.
The first Holstein Association USA Judges Conferences will take place in 2011. Everyone accepted onto the 2011 Judges List will be required to attend a conference in 2011 to maintain their status on the list. In future years, all applicants must have attended a Judges Conference within a three-year period to be considered for inclusion on the Holstein Association USA Judges List.
Once applications are reviewed, the Judges List will be approved by the Holstein Association USA board of directors and published at www.holsteinusa.com during the first week of December.
With questions, contact Peter Cole at 800.952.5200, ext. 4127.
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The Siemers Holstein team with the
2009 Star of the Breed, Eskdale Dundee Marcia Mona, on their farm in Newton, Wis. Standing in the upper row are Josh, Paul and Dan Siemers, and in the lower row are Lauren, Jake, Connor and Jordan Siemers, with Sherry Siemers-Peterman on the halter of Mona, and her daughter Crystal.
Brattleboro, Vt. (May 17, 2010)…Eskdale Dundee Marcia Mona has been named Holstein Association USA’s 2009 Star of the Breed. In its third year, this award recognizes the total package – a Holstein cow that excels in both the showring and milking barn. Mona is owned by Siemers Holstein Farms, Inc. of Newton, Wis.
Siemers Holstein Farms is a family operation, consisting of Sherry Siemers-Peterman and daughter Crystal, Dan and Janina Siemers with their children Jordan and Connor, and Paul and Jenny Siemers, with children Josh, Jacob and Lauren. They make up the fifth and sixth generations to operate the family farm.
Sired by Regancrest Dundee-ET, Mona was born on June 21, 2005, and classified Excellent-92 at three years and eight months of age. She has an exceptional show record, having been the first place Junior Two-Year-Old at the 2007 International Holstein Show and the fifth place Four-Year-Old at the Midwest Spring National Holstein Show in 2009. Mona has a best record at 365 days, calving in at three years of age, of 46,490 pounds of milk, with 3.8 percent fat (1,760 pounds) and 3.3 percent protein (1,519 pounds).
Acquired at the 2008 Global Glamour sale (consigned by Arethusa Farm, LLC), Mona was bred by Eskdale Dairy of Eskdale, Utah. She completes nine generations of Very Good or Excellent cows. Her dam is a VG-87 daughter of Stouder Morty-ET who has a three-year-old record over 30,000 pounds of milk.
“She’s an incredible eater, has a great will to milk and an excellent disposition,” said Sherry.
Mona is currently bred, with plans to calve her in this winter. She has flushed very well in the past with pregnancies by Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood and Braedale Goldwyn and calves by bulls such as KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET, Mr Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET, Erbacres Damion, Den-K Marshall LL Laurin and Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez. With an in vitro fertilization (IVF) lab on the dairy, Siemers’ hope to use this technology on Mona in the future to obtain more heifer calves from her.
To be eligible for the Star of the Breed award, a cow must place in the top five in her class at a National Holstein Show, be in a herd enrolled in the TriStar program and have an official classification score. Once the eligible cows are determined, the following calculation is used to decide the award recipient: Combined ME Fat and Protein + Age Adjusted Classification Score x (Breed Average ME CFP/Breed Average Age Adjusted Score).
At the dairy, the Siemers family is currently milking 2,300 cows, averaging over 30,000 pounds of milk. Recently a smaller barn was remodeled, which allows them to take special care of their show cattle and other select individuals. The family has been perennial contenders in the showring with numerous Junior All-American and All-American nominations, including exhibiting the 2009 All-American Junior Best Three Females and Junior All-American Spring Calf and Summer Yearling. Learn more about the Siemers family and their cattle at www.holsteinworld.com/siemers.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (May 17, 2010)…Holstein Association USA is excited to honor ten breeders who have qualified for the 2010 Herd of Excellence recognition.
These herds have all met the stringent criteria to qualify for the award: Must be 25 percent above breed average Mature Equivalent (ME) for milk, fat, and protein; must have classified within the last year and have an actual average classification score of 83 points or higher; must have at least 70 percent of the herd homebred; and must be enrolled in the Association’s TriStar program.
Read on for profiles of these outstanding member herds.

Joe, Chris, Jeff, Bonnie, Andy
and Ashley Brantmeier
Hilrose Holsteins, Sherwood, Wis.
Joe Brantmeier operates Hilrose Holsteins, along with sons Andy and Jeff, milking 110 cows twice a day in their tiestall barn. The herd has ME production averages of 33,445 pounds of milk, 1,300 pounds of fat and 961 pounds of protein, with an average classification score of 84.62. The herd is 84.16 percent homebred.
Hilrose has been enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE since the program began. They also use the EASY software and Tag ID to register their calves, with a button tag put in at birth and custom tags ordered at the time of registrations. They have been a Progressive Genetics Herd for three years with an average CTPI of +1432 in 2009, and have received PBR recognition for 20 years.
The Brantmeiers’ goal is to develop cows with long productive lives. Joe and his sons discuss mating decisions and have equal input into bulls that are used in the herd. A strong emphasis is placed on overall type, with good components and high udder composite, selecting from the top bulls in the breed.
Joe recognizes the added value that Registered Holsteins provide, as the family has developed a good marketing program to help capitalize on that. They are able to market several fresh heifers each year to repeat buyers, regularly consign animals to sales, have sold bulls to AI and exported embryos.
Several animals at the farm have achieved high lifetime production records and classification scores, which Joe feels he can attribute to solid care year round. An example of this would be Bur-Rodz Encore Rebecca EX-93 3E, who was purchased by Jeff as a heifer. She has produced 279,900 pounds of lifetime milk, making her the third highest lifetime production cow born in the past ten years.
Joe is proud that he and wife Chris, who is a long-time teacher, made agriculture an enjoyable career path for their children growing up. Along with Andy and Jeff, they have a daughter, Sara, who works with Pfizer Animal Health.

Back row: Daryl, Neil,
Charles Duncan
Front row: Sally, Rachel and Carol Duncan |
Duncan Farm, Warsaw, Ohio
The Duncan family is milking 60 Registered Holsteins, with an average classification score of 85.23. Their ME production averages are 32,111 pounds of milk, 1,384 pounds of fat and 954 pounds of protein, and the herd is 70.21 percent homebred.
Charles has been working with and breeding Registered cattle his entire life. He entered the military in 1956, at which time his family dispersed their cattle. When he completed his service, he began rebuilding his herd by purchasing Registered heifers and cows, and in 1969 he and his wife, Carol, purchased the farm they are still on today.
Several family members are involved in the operation, including son Daryl, his wife Sally and their three children: Neil (22), Drew (17), and Rachel (15). Their Holsteins, along with around 20 Ayrshires, are housed in a freestall setup and milked twice a day in a flatline parlor.
When making mating decisions, Charles says that he concentrates on type, with feet and legs and udders as the most important criteria. He added that they can’t forget about milk production and simply said, “we just want the all-around good cow.”
Charles feels that Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation has had a huge impact on where his herd is today. Another cow, Maizevalley Conductor Helen has been significant in that the marketing of her offspring paid for their farm. Purchased at an Ohio State sale and scored EX-90 3E, Helen produced over 215,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime. Thirteen of her offspring went on to score Very Good or Excellent. Another exciting cow they’re working with is Cavalier Finley Aspen-ET. She’s scored EX-90 as a four year old with a CTPI of +1812. She has a three-year-old record, 305 days of 45,830M 4.4%F 2038 3.3%P 1513, putting her 2nd in her class nationally for protein and first in Ohio for milk.
When asked about what the biggest value in owning Registered cattle was, Charles replied that it was definitely in the merchandising. “Merchandising is how my wife and I paid for our farm. If it weren’t for Registered cattle, we might not have made it.”

Kevin Huie and Allen Johnson |
Jafral Holsteins, Hamptonville, N.C.
Allen Johnson’s 40-cow herd is 100 percent homebred, with ME production averages of 33,078 pounds of milk, with 1,261 of fat and 970 of protein. Their average classification score is 85.94. The herd has been enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE for four years and has received PBR recognition for 12 years.
Allen grew up on his parent’s dairy farm, which they started in 1945, milking grade cows. After completing his service in the Marines in 1972, Allen spent the next decade building up his Registered herd. Most of his herd traces back to two cow families, Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 2E GMD, who he purchased in 1981 as a bred heifer, and Midway-Crest Conductor Billie EX-94 3E GMD DOM.
The cattle are housed in sand bedded freestalls, and the dry cows are housed in with the milking herd. Allen feels that this helps the cows get going sooner in their lactation. “I find that they milk quicker that way,” he said. “It’s rare that second lactation or older cows don’t give over 100 pounds within 10 days of calving.” The cattle are fed free choice corn silage, five pounds of either orchard grass or wheat and crimson clover, along with a 24 percent high-energy commercial pellet twice a day in the parlor.
The highest producing cow he has bred is Jafral Finley Cody-ET, scored VG-87. At 3-04 in 365 days, she produced 55,800 pounds of milk with 3.5 percent fat and 3.0 percent protein, putting her third nationally for milk in her class and fifth for protein. She’s backed by three generations of Excellent Gold Medal Dam and Dam of Merit cows, and carries the Jafral prefix far back into her pedigree.
Allen likes to breed for tall cattle with wide front ends, deep bodies and wide rumps, and feels that if he can get those things, other desirable traits come along with the package.
Working with Allen on the dairy are his nephew, Kevin Huie, who does the feeding and field work, along with his sister, Janet, who feeds the calves.

Standing: Amanda, Bo and Steve Killian
Seated: Samuel, Olivia and Christian Killian
Dirt-Road Holsteins, Blair, Wis.
Celebrating their tenth year of farming together this year, Steve and Amanda Killian are milking 30 Registered Holsteins twice a day with ME production averages of 33,366 pounds of milk, 1,240 pounds of fat and 1,065 pounds of protein. Their Holsteins are 73.08 percent homebred with an average classification score of 84.68.
Steve and Amanda both grew up on dairy farms. Starting out together, they purchased a very simple farm and have spent the past several years investing in improvements. The cattle are housed in a tiestall barn and milked twice daily. Cows spend at least eight hours a day on grass during the growing season, and the Killians feel that has really contributed to the health and longevity of their herd.
The cow that has had the largest impact on their farm is Castleholm T Carlo-ET EX-90 3E GMD DOM. An Olmo Prelude Tugolo daughter, backed by several generations of Very Good and Excellent cows with Gold Medal Dam and Dam of Merit recognition, she has over 192,000 pounds of lifetime milk and is still on the farm doing well today. They purchased Carlo at a sale five years ago “and got a really good deal,” as she was long in her lactation and still open. Killians brought her home, got her calved in and decided to flush her to Braedale Goldwyn. That flush resulted in Dirt-Road Goldwyn Cami, a cow that has allowed them to market embryos internationally. Cami is scored VG-86, has a +1929 GTPI, with a 305 day two-year-old record of 32,660 pounds of milk with 5.1 percent fat. “She’s made a huge difference in our farm,” said Amanda. “We wouldn’t be where we are today without that cow family.”
Steve and Amanda’s breeding philosophy has always been focused on type and components, and they will seldom use a bull that is minus for fat or protein. “It’s important to stick with a breeding philosophy,” said Amanda. “Generation after generation, doing the right thing will pay off.”
The Killians currently have four children: Samuel (9), Christian (7), Olivia (3), and Bo (1). Along with the Holsteins, they milk 50 Registered Jerseys.

Mike, Randy, Jana, Mandi, Matt,
Melissa and Mark Kortus |
Mainstream Holsteins, Lynden, Wash.
Mainstream Holsteins boasts the highest production of the ten Herds of Excellence, with ME production averages of an impressive 37,639 pounds of milk, with 1,483 pounds of fat and 1,113 pounds of protein. The herd is 96.49 percent homebred with an average classification score of 83.6 points.
Randy grew up on a commercial dairy in Washington, purchasing his first Registered animal in 1973, and owning approximately 30 by the time he graduated college. He and wife Jana were married shortly there after and started farming on their own a year later, purchasing a farm and Ray Terpstra’s Lor-Les herd.
Today, they’re milking 55 Registered Holsteins, with a total of 80 milk cows, counting animals of other breeds they own. Randy describes their management system as a “supplemental intensified grazing system.” The cattle are housed in a freestall barn during the wintertime, and in the warmer months they’re kept out on pasture and given a TMR to supplement their grazing.
“We want high type in our herd, but also want cows that produce,” said Randy. “We’ve found that if you don’t focus on that and lose sight of production, it will disappear faster than you want it to. I still want the total performance cow, and we’ve seen results from those efforts.”
Randy is currently using some genomic-tested young bulls such as De-Su Observer-ET and Dream-Prairie Shadow Boxer, as well as bulls from their own breeding, Mainstream Manifold and Mister Magnetism-ET. Kortus added that they are striving to find some new and different bloodlines to use in their herd. “We still want to breed cows with the commercial dairyman in mind,” Randy stated. They are a 19 year recipient of the PGH award.
One cow with a unique pedigree that has been garnering some attention is Mainstream OR Candace-ET. She is scored EX-90 as a three year old with a CTPI of +1999. As a two year old she made 41,500 pounds of milk with 4.7 percent fat. Candace is a Deslacs Offroad-ET out of a VG Canyon-Breeze Allen daughter that traces back an animal from the original herd they purchased when getting started.
Randy and Jana have four children: Mike (18), Matt (28), Melissa (25) and Mark (20). All four enjoy the dairy and helping out when exhibiting at shows.

Bryant holding B-Long Telsa, Bruce, Brenda, Brandon, and Bret holding
B-Long Brown Sugar-ET |
B-Long Holsteins, New London, Wis.
B-Long Holsteins maintains ME Production averages of 34,898 pounds of milk with 1,220 pounds of fat and 1,014 pounds of protein. They are 98.33 percent homebred with an average classification score of 83.68.
Bruce and Brenda take care of all the day-to-day work on the farm, milking twice a day. They have three sons who are all currently in college: Bryant (20), and twins Brandon and Bret (19). Both graduating from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Bruce and Brenda married soon after college. They started at their present farm in 1990, after working for some time on Brenda’s family farm.
Longs have been working with the cow families in their herd for several generations now. Around 80 percent of the herd traces back to two calves Bruce purchased when he was 14 years old, and another 10 percent comes from some animals Brenda brought to their operation from her home farm. The only non-homebred animal in their herd is a red and white Holstein that one of their sons purchased as a project animal.
Over the years they have bred four cows that have produced over 300,000 pounds of milk and 24 cows that have produced over 200,000 pounds of milk. Currently in the barn are 8 Excellent cows, 30 Very Good and 19 Good Plus. B-Long has been awarded the PGH award for 14 years, with a 2009 average CTPI of +1505.
Cow comfort is a top priority for the Longs, and they work to achieve this by giving cows ample access to pasture year round. This complements their breeding strategy, striving for large, powerful cows. “We try to breed for frame, strength and width,” said Bruce. “We also watch components more than we used to.” They have recently been using bulls such as Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez, Golden-Oaks St Alexander-ET and Picston Shottle-ET.
The family enjoys working together on their farm, marketing their Registered Holstein genetics, and exhibiting cattle at a few shows each year.

Denise and Lloyd Pease |
Sweet-Peas Holsteins, Susquehanna, Pa.
Sweet-Peas Holsteins is a 74 percent homebred herd with an average classification score of 86.16. Their ME production averages sit at 32,663 pounds of milk, 1,272 pounds of fat and 1,005 pounds of protein.
Like many Registered Holstein breeders, Lloyd grew up on a dairy farm, showing cattle in 4-H. He started as part of the family partnership in 1984, and in 1994 he and wife Denise moved and started their own operation, milking 65 cows. The cows are housed in a tiestall barn and milked twice a day.
“Our philosophies evolve after we see what progress we’re making, but we try to use bulls with strong cow families and pedigrees behind them,” said Lloyd. Their primary emphasis is on type, while also giving attention to maintaining component levels. In their milking herd, Lloyd said they are happy with their Regancrest Dundee-ET daughters, and have also used some To-Mar D-Fortune-ET, Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez and Kingsmill Gdwyn Asteroid-ET recently. They had the second place Fall Calf at the 2010 New York Spring International Holstein show in April with an Asteroid daughter – Sweet-Peas Astero Gabrielle, a September 2009 daughter of an EX-91 Innwood Terrason with a two-year-old record over 27,000 pounds of milk, backed by a VG Lystel Leduc.
“We basically just try to do a good job every single day, with a strong focus on cow care, health and everything that goes along with it,” Lloyd stated. “We have a very simple farming and feeding program. We feed all grass hay – mostly baleage and some dry hay, and feel it’s good for cow health.”
Aside from quality feed, the other factor that allows the family to achieve outstanding performance from their cattle is consistently good care and dedication. “I feel pretty strongly that farming is hard work, but if you enjoy what you do, it makes you do a better job,” he added. “One of the benefits of having Registered cattle is having added value other than their milk. Cows aren’t only our livelihood, it’s a way of life.” Denise and Lloyd’s son, Matt, works full-time with them on their farm.

Sally and Jake Tanis |
Ideal Holsteins, Centre Hall, Pa.
Ideal Holsteins is a 98.95% homebred herd with an average classification score of 83.69 points. Milking twice a day in their tiestall barn, they have ME production averages of 32,545 pounds of milk, 1,276 pounds of fat and 976 pounds of protein.
The herd is enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE, and they use EASY and Tag ID with custom Holstein tags to register calves on their farm. While they milk only Holsteins today, Jake’s beginnings in the dairy industry were growing up on a Guernsey farm in New Jersey. They have been at their current location in central Pennsylvania for over 20 years now. Ideal has received PBR recognition for 14 years.
“As far as having Registered cattle over grades, I couldn’t survive if I just had grade Holsteins. We’ve been able to market bulls and heifers for a significant margin over what we might have been able to if they weren’t Registered,” said Jake. “We view Registered Holsteins as a ‘value-added product’, and also enjoy being able to trace the ancestry.”
What attracted Jake to Holstein cattle so many years ago still fits his breeding pattern today: cows with strong front ends and ample substance of bone that still have enough dairyness and good udders. He looks for bulls from good cow families and places emphasis on type and components. Two of his favorite bulls currently are Regancrest Dundee-ET and Stanhope Sovereign. All animals are bred using timed AI.
All of Jake and Sally’s children were involved on the farm while they were growing up, and now son Adam plays a major role in the day-to-day operation of the farm. Jake also gives credit to his wife Sally for the important tasks she takes care of.

John Young, Maplelane-Manor Front Hon, Carolyn Turner and Jay Liddington |
Maplelane-Manor Farm, Apulia Station, N.Y.
Ben and Carolyn Turner’s herd at Maplelane-Manor Farm is 93.28 percent homebred, with an average classification score of 83.17. Their ME production averages are 34,043 pounds of milk, 1,316 pounds of fat and 1,092 pounds of protein, milking twice a day in their tiestall barn.
Ben, a full-time veterinarian, and Carolyn established the Maplelane-Manor prefix in 1982 when they were married, though both had been breeding cattle before that. Carolyn said that although she didn’t grow up on a dairy farm, she got really excited about Registered cattle and enjoyed being able to follow their pedigrees.
Carolyn is quick to stress that teamwork is the glue that holds their operation together. Their team is comprised of Ben, Carolyn, John Young, Carolyn’s son, and Jay Liddington, who has worked with the family for over 15 years. Everyone helps with the milking, with Jay playing more of a herdsman role and John doing a great deal of work with the cropping side of the operation.
“We couldn’t do it if we didn’t all work together,” said Carolyn. “We’ve tried to make it a place that you want to come to work. We enjoy what we do and help each other out.”
Ben, Carolyn and Jay work together on deciding what bulls will be used, and they try to mate cows individually to correct any weaknesses and enhance their strengths. “We try to breed the ‘total package’,” said Carolyn. “If you’ve got the right feed and make sure that the cows are comfortable, the milk comes.”
One cow that has been a stand-out example of the quality of animals at the farm is Maplelane-Manor Emerson Ed. Ed is a VG-88 Gold Medal Dam that has produced 278,370 pounds of milk with a 3.8 percent fat test. She holds many New York state records, as well as having the fourth highest total nationally for the Junior Three-Year-Old class. She has made three records over 50,000 pounds of milk, and ranks fourth in the nation for lifetime production totals of cows born in the past ten years.

Karlee, Bridget, Austin, Julie and
Dan Vandertie |
Doorco Holsteins, Brussels, Wis.
A 100 percent homebred herd, Doorco Holsteins boasts an 86.16 average classification score, with ME production averages of 32,786 pounds of milk with 1,186 pounds of fat and 953 pounds of protein. The farm is owned and operated by Dan Vandertie with his wife, Julie, and they have three children: Karlie (19), Bridget (15) and Austin (10).
Dan has worked in the dairy industry his entire life, with their family farm started in the 1950s. He began working there following high school, and he and Julie purchased it from his father in 1987. They have been recognized with the PBR award for 35 years, including several years since Dan has taken ownership, and received the PGH recognition for five years, with a 2009 average CTPI of +1580. They currently have 40 cows on the farm, with the milking herd housed in tiestalls. Doorco Holsteins is enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE.
Dan describes his breeding philosophy as “relatively simple,” wanting to breed cows with great udders, without sacrificing body size. He enjoys large cows with strong front ends that have a real will to milk. Over 75 percent of their herd can be traced back to one cow – Doorco Duster Albany EX-90 GMD DOM. She had three daughters in the herd who all scored Excellent: an EX-92 GMD DOM STBVQ Rubens-ET with over 36,800 pounds of milk as a two-year-old, an EX-92 GMD DOM Regancrest Elton Dante-ET with a five-year-old record over 42,800 pounds of milk and an EX-91 daughter of Altagen-I Merchant-ET with a best record at 4-04 of 40,360 pounds of milk. Between the three cows, they had 36 daughters, solidifying the family’s contribution to the farm’s genetic pool. Of their combined 32 classified offspring, 6 scored Excellent, 20 are Very Good and 5 are Good Plus.
Aside from the cows, they farm 350 acres, raising all of their alfalfa, corn, soybeans and wheat. The ration is comprised primarily of haylage and corn silage, with some high moisture corn, minerals and other ingredients. The Vanderties enjoy being a small family farm, and describe their operation as a “real team effort” between their family, nutritionist and veterinarian. They also feel fortunate to be surrounded by several other good herds in the area.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (May 14, 2010)…The May 4th genomic predictions were the first release on the new monthly schedule.
Previously, genomic predictions were available every other month. Decreasing the time from DNA submittal to having the genomic predictions in hand will lead to improved efficiencies in several areas, such as ET, sales, mate selection, housing of bulls, etc.
A full Genetic Update will continue to be done three times per year (in April, August and December). Whereby, genomic information on individuals will be used to enhance our complete database. At that time, new genomic information will impact the PTAs of their sires, dams, progeny and other family members.
The May 4th evaluation contained new genomic predictions on 583 U.S. cows and heifers and 274 from Canada. With imputation, the genotype of some dams (those with four or more genotyped offspring and having an individual SNP call rate of greater than 90%) can now be determined. Genomic predictions on the imputed cows will be unofficial and unavailable until the next full genetic update.
You can obtain an Individual Genomic Predictions on any newly tested animal by entering an animal’s name or registration number in Animal Search on the homepage of the Holstein Association USA web site at www.holsteinusa.com.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (April 8, 2010)...Holstein Association USA is pleased to announce twelve semifinalists in the annual Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) competition. Open to any National Junior member ages 17 to 21, the DJM award is the highest honor that can be given to a Holstein Junior member.
This year's semifinalists are: Abigail Andrew, Newark, N.Y.; Jacob Brey, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; Elizabeth Cloninger, Centre Hall, Pa.; Laura Elliot, Marshall, Wis.; Jenna Fox, Rockwood, Pa.; Katie Hanehan, Stillwater, N.Y.; Leah Henkes, Luana, Iowa; Megan Herberg, St. Peter, Minn.; Benjamin Kinnard, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; Maureen Lee, Johnson Creek, Wis.; Austin Schwartzbeck, Union Bridge, Md.; and Mark Simon, Farley, Iowa.
"The amount of leadership and personal development skills, and overall knowledge that I have gained from this organization [the Junior Holstein Association] makes me so grateful to have grown up in the dairy industry," said Jacob Brey in his Story of Junior Holstein Work.
Katie Hanehan explained in her Junior Project Story, "I am so thankful for all the opportunities that owning Registered Holsteins has brought me and I will continue to give back to the industry that has given me so much. I know I will use these skills in the future as I develop into the businesswoman, entrepreneur and leader I want to be."
These twelve outstanding young people have shown a strong commitment to not only the Holstein breed, but also their communities and agriculture in general. Contestants are judged on an entry book highlighting their Junior Holstein project work and involvement with activities, both in the Holstein and dairy industries, and their schools and communities. They will participate in interviews at the National Junior Holstein Convention, June 26-29 in Bloomington, Minn., to compete for six spots as finalists. All finalists receive annual renewed membership to Holstein Association USA.
For more information about this, or other Junior Holstein programs, contact Kelli Dunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124 or visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors.
For a hi-res photo of any of the DJM Semifinalists, contact Pat McDerby at 800.952.5200, ext. 4253.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (April 8, 2010)...Holstein Association USA is excited to announce eight finalists in the annual Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) competition. Similar to the Distinguished Junior Member contest, the YDJM award recognizes outstanding Junior members ages 9 to 16.
This year's eight YDJM finalists are: Justin Crull, Poplar Grove, Ill.; Charles Hamilton, Cuba City, Wis.; Sara Kitchen, Danville, Pa.; Cassy Krull, Lake Mills, Wis.; Aryn Martin, Gorham, Maine; Amanda Moretti, Petaluma, Calif.; Nicholas Schuster, Fond du Lac, Wis.; and Staci Sherer, Tillamook, Ore.
"My parents always tell people if they'd let me, I'd quit school and start farming today and that's not far from the truth." Talking about her passion for the dairy industry, Cassy Krull had this to say in her Story of Junior Holstein Work, "Ever since I was three years old sitting on Santa's lap, begging for a calf, the Holstein business and dairy farming has been my life. From that three year old to the person I am today, the dairy industry is where my heart lies and is my future."
Justin Crull explained in his story, "I enjoy the challenge of breeding the next good young cow by making good mating decisions and giving them [the cattle] the care to develop. I look forward to learning more about dairying, doing more things with our farm and helping others learn about agriculture. Whatever I end up doing, I have all of the lessons that the farm has given me about life and I will use them in everything that I do. My friends are right, I am lucky to live on a farm."
To enter the YDJM contest, youth submit an entry book that summarizes their Holstein and agricultural activities, as well as involvement in their schools and communities. They must write essays and answer industry-related personal view questions. These exceptional youth will be recognized during the National Junior Holstein Convention, June 26-29 in Bloomington, Minn.
For more information about this, or other Junior Holstein programs, contact Kelli Dunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124 or visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors.
For a hi-res photo of any of the YDJM Finalists, contact Pat McDerby at 800.952.5200, ext. 4253.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (March 31, 2010)…The Board of Directors of the Holstein Association USA, Inc. held its Spring meeting in Brattleboro, Vermont on March 25-26. President Larry A. Tande of Medford, Minnesota presided over the two-day session.
The Business Plan portion included updates on all 2010 objectives. The Board also heard reports from the Audit, Association Nominating, and Legislative Affairs committees as well as presentations on National FAIR and the Holstein Foundation.
Over the last year, the Holstein Association developed and promoted its Dairy Price Stabilization Program (DPSP) from coast to coast. The plan continues to gain recognition and support.
Recognizing the need to stabilize milk prices long term, the Holstein Association Board formally acted to continue milk marketing efforts. The Association plans to keep working with Congressional leaders to introduce legislation for the DPSP.
Responding to members’ requests to improve the Association’s Cattle Merchandising and Advertising Policy, the Board approved significant changes to the policy and Terms and Conditions for Public Sales. The revised policy and terms and conditions will replace the current versions. The revisions bring new focus to major issues of concern to Association members.
In another member-driven move, the Board approved the release of more than 30,000 prefixes which have not been used for more than 20 years. This release makes it easier for new members to select prefixes for their herds. If a member wishes to request the use of a specific prefix being released on March 31st, please contact C. Peter Cole at the office: 802.451.4127, via email, or via fax at 802.254.8251 beginning on April 1st. Specific requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held June 25-26, in Bloomington, Minnesota, in conjunction with the Association’s 125th Annual Meeting and Convention. The Fall Board meeting will take place in Chicago, Illinois, November 18-19.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (March 19, 2010)… Following the latest Holstein Association USA Junior Advisory Committee (JAC) meeting, some new ideas and policies have been enacted which will take effect during the 2010 National Junior Holstein Convention, June 26-29, 2010 in Bloomington, Minn.
A competition that was previously offered only to youth competing in Dairy Bowl will now be open to all Junior Holstein members attending the National Convention. Replacing the traditional Dairy Bowl Written Exam will be a Dairy Knowledge Exam. This will still serve as a seating exam for Dairy Bowl teams, but anyone who participates will be eligible for Written Exam awards. No pre-registration is required for this contest. Interested youth should check the Convention schedule for the room the exam will be held in on Saturday, June 26 at 7:00 p.m.
Based on a recommendation from the JAC, youth representative elections will be conducted differently than in previous years. Junior Holstein members from the entire country will elect representatives in all JAC areas and elections will be voted on using a delegate system. States with 1 to 99 members receive 1 delegate, 100 to 199 members receive 2 delegates, 200 to 399 members receive 3 delegates, 400 to 999 members receive 4 delegates and states with over 1,000 Junior members receive 5 delegates. States are responsible for selecting their own voting delegates prior to the start of the National Junior Forum.
Additionally, two youth At-Large positions will be added to the JAC, with one being elected in 2010 and the other in 2011. Any Junior Holstein member in the country may run for an At-Large position on the JAC, regardless of the region they live in. Other regions up for election this year are Regions II and IV.
- Folding Display Contest: States may now choose how they wish to divide their allotted number of contestants for the Folding Display Contest among the three age divisions.
- Effective for the 2011 Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) Contest: A video component will be added to the 2011 DJM competition, which will be completed by the top 12 semifinalists. The video will relate to dairy advocacy and include answers to two personal view questions. The video responses will be worth 15 percent of an applicant's final score, with the interview worth 35 percent and book submission worth 50 percent.
- The latest Online Junior Contest has been announced – an Ad Design Contest. Entries are due June 1, 2010. For complete rules and entry information, visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors and click on the Fun Zone button.
For more information on the 2010 National Holstein Convention, visit www.holsteinconvention2010.com. With questions about Holstein Association USA youth programs, contact Kelli Dunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124, or visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (February 15, 2010)...The Holstein breed has a new national milk production record holder! Ever-Green-View My 1326-ET, bred and owned by Thomas J. Kestell of Waldo, Wis., calving at four years and five months of age has produced a 365-day record of 72,170 pounds of milk, with 2,787 pounds of fat and 2,142 pounds of protein.
Sired by Stouder Morty-ET, 1326-ET hails from Ever-Green-View's prolific "Elsie" family. She is scored EX-92, and also holds the national Junior Four-Year-Old records for milk and fat production in both the 305 and 365-day categories. She produced almost 37,000 pounds of milk as a two-year-old and over 46,000 pounds as a three-year-old.
"We never expected her to break this record when she first started out," said breeder Tom Kestell, "but by the time she was three-quarters of the way through her lactation, we knew she had a good shot."
"She's always been a really good milk cow, and a very solid type cow," he added. "This record wasn't hard on her – she looks great and feels great. She just wasn't stressed out at all, just like the rest of her family."
This record breaks the previous 365-day record of 67,914 pounds of milk, set by Muranda Oscar Lucinda-ET VG-86. As a frame of reference, the 2008 actual production average for all U.S. Holstein herds enrolled in production-testing programs was 23,022 pounds of milk, 840 pounds of butterfat and 709 pounds of protein.
1326-ET's exceptional record is backed by several generations of impressive performance. Her dam is a VG-85 GMD daughter of Ricecrest Lantz-ET, with two 305-day records over 30,000 pounds of milk. Behind that is Ever-Green-View Elsie-ET (by Emprise Bell Elton), scored EX-92 2E GMD DOM, who has a best record at 4-09 of 52,580 pounds of milk, with 4.4 percent fat and 3.3 percent protein. Elsie's dam is an EX-90 2E GMD DOM daughter of Drendel Melvin Grant-Twin with a four-year-old record over 50,000 pounds of milk, out of a Stardell Valiant Winken-ET daughter, scored EX-91 2E GMD DOM with multiple records over 40,000 pounds of milk.
Kestell says that they have been working with this cow family for over 28 years, and have several members on their farm. 1326-ET is the sixth generation to carry the Ever-Green-View prefix. They have marketed many members of this family that have gone on to do well for others, carrying on the family tradition of excelling in both type and production, including Ever-Green-View Legacy-ET EX-90 (purchased by Eskdale Dairy of Utah), dam of All-American Eskdale Stormatic Legend-ET EX-95, and Ever-Green-View Elsa VG-89 GMD DOM, who sold for $100,000 in the 2003 National Convention Sale and is now owned with Kingsmill Farm II, LLC and has a great deal of international interest.
The Kestells have genomically tested 1326-ET and are eagerly awaiting her results. They did not breed her back this year and plan to flush her now that her record is complete. 1326-ET currently only has one daughter, her February 2009 natural calf by Barbee-M Juror Ito-ET.
Ever-Green-View Holsteins is owned by Tom and Gin Kestell, with son Chris involved in the operation on a day-to-day basis as well. They have 130 cows with a BAA of 109.7 percent, and a Rolling Herd Average of 35,151 pounds of milk, 1,351 pounds of fat, and 1,083 pounds of protein. More detail on Ever-Green-View My 1326-ET's family can be found on the farm's web site at www.holsteinworld.com/ever-green-view/.
For more information, contact Lindsey Worden at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096. A professional photo of Ever-Green-View My 1326-ET is available from Beth Herges.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (January 29, 2010)…A new Official Holstein International Pedigree is now available on the Holstein Association USA Web site at www.holsteinusa.com. This three-generation pedigree enables producers that market cattle internationally to provide pedigree information to the global audience in a format that is familiar and useful to them.
The development of this new product was driven by the desire to assist members in more easily providing information about animals to potential buyers. The two major differences between an International pedigree and a traditional pedigree are that, on the International pedigree:
- Production records are displayed in kilograms, as opposed to pounds.
- Protein values are recorded as crude protein, keeping with the international standard.
A new header graphic featuring an image of a globe will immediately distinguish the International pedigree from a traditional U.S. Official Holstein Pedigree. It is important to note that Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) values are unchanged, as U.S.-based PTA values are considered a world-wide standard. International pedigrees are only available as PDFs (Portable Document Format).
Click here to download Official Holstein International Pedigrees.
For more information, contact Holstein Association USA at 800.952.5200.
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Brattleboro, Vt. (January 8, 2010)…With the January genetic evaluations, a new Total Performance Index (TPISM) formula is being introduced by Holstein Association USA. Recognizing the needs, strengths and opportunities in the Holstein breed, some slight modifications have been made to the formula, which was last updated in May 2007. TPI is used to rank Holstein cattle and assist dairy producers worldwide in identifying superior cattle with a combination of high production, sound conformation and desirable health and fertility.
"The Genetic Advancement Committee recommended the update to the TPI formula to reflect the wants and needs of today's dairymen," said Dr. Tom Lawlor, Holstein Association USA Director of Research and Development. "The opportunity to improve the lower heritability health and fertility traits is greater now than ever before with the information provided by genomic evaluations."
The updated TPI formula includes an increased emphasis on Productive Life (PL) and Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR); maintains the current emphasis on udders and feet and legs; aims to slow the increase in body size; and slightly reduces the emphasis on production. New weights for the major categories include: 42 percent on production (down from 45 percent), 33 percent on health and fertility (up from 27 percent), and 25 percent on conformation (down from 28 percent).

*The value 1815, adjusts for our periodic base change, allowing TPI values to be comparable across time
This change comes along with the updating of the genetic base, which occurs every five years, to ensure the genetic evaluations are being compared to a current and up-to-date population. The new base now reflects cows born in 2005, whereby the average PTA of those cows equals zero. Some adjustments to the major traits include:
Milk |
- 415 |
Fat |
- 15 |
Protein |
- 14 |
- 0.87 |
- 0.85 |
- 0.65 |
The January 2010 genetic evaluations will become available on Tuesday, January 12. For the latest information as it becomes available, visit www.holsteinusa.com.
With questions or for more information about the updated TPI formula, contact Tom Lawlor at 800.952.5200, ext. 4228.
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 Dennis Devore
 Callie Unruh
Brattleboro, Vt. (January 8, 2010)…Two new Regional Representatives have recently been hired to provide service to Holstein Association USA members in the central United States.
Dennis Devore of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has joined the Association as a Regional Representative covering Iowa and the following counties in southwestern Wisconsin: Crawford, Grant, Green, Iowa, LaCrosse, Lafayette, Monroe, Richland, and Vernon. Devore is a graduate of the University of Illinois, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Dairy Science. He brings a wealth of dairy industry experience to the position, having previously worked as a District Sales Manager for Alta Genetics and at the Southern Illinois University Dairy Center. Dennis grew up on a Registered HolsteinSM farm in southern Illinois. Callie Unruh will serve members as a Regional Representative in Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas. A recent graduate of Kansas State University, Callie received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture, Animal Sciences, and Industry. While in college she was active with both the Kansas State University Dairy Club and the Dairy Judging team. Growing up she has been heavily involved with her family's farm, Prairie-Sun Holsteins. Unruh will be based out of her home in Illinois.
For more information, please contact Lindsey Worden, Communications Manager, at 800.952.5200, ext. 4096.
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