The Basic ID program is for dairy producers looking for a low-cost way to build lineage on non-registered animals, and a tool to help establish and achieve genetic and inbreeding goals on the farm. Animals can be enrolled in Basic ID for just $2.
When an animal is enrolled in Basic ID, Holstein Association USA utilizes the extensive network of animal identification data contained in our herdbook, as well as the DHI system, to trace back to any known Registered Holstein® Ancestry on the animal. This information is used to assign a percentage of registered lineage to animals enrolled in Basic ID. |
Simply identify each animal with a Holstein Association USA tag, which is printed with a unique registration number (See Tag ID for more information on tag options) |
Submit the calf's identification information using the EASY IDTM program. |
The database search occurs, and you immediately have the option to receive various Dairy Vision reports that provide each animal's level of genetic merit, inbreeding, and lineage information. |
Animals can be enrolled in Basic ID for $2.00! |
At any time, animals identified in the Basic ID program can be upgraded to the Holstein Association USA Herdbook for full registry status and inclusion in any official Holstein Association USA programs*.
*Additional registry fee will apply when animal is upgraded. Inclusion in official Holstein Association USA programs is subject to %RHA requirements. See "Registration" for more information.