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Kings-Ransom Mogul Cleavage: A special calling card from Kings-Ransom Holsteins in the USA

The name Cleavage is known to everybody. She is the impressive Mogul daughter from the heart of the Roxy family. Cleavage herself is the 10th consecutive EX generation and she pass this impressive breeding power on to her offspring. The research about this cow family is a real thrill for a Holstein enthusiast. There are many good cow families on this planet and that of Cleavage is clearly one of them.

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Conant-Acres: Consistently Among the Top Type Herds of the US

Each year the Holstein Association publishes a list of the top BAA herds in the US, the herds with the highest average age-adjusted type classification score. Conant-Acres has consistently ranked in the top-5 for more than 20 years. This is especially impressive as the rest of the top-10 is usually comprised of small specialty herds with just 15-30 cows. We spoke to Matt Sneller at Conant-Acres to find out what’s involved in maintaining such an impressive type herd.

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