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  • Distinguished Young Breeder
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Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award

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To recognize significant accomplishments of young Registered Holstein® breeders.
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To recognize young Registered Holstein breeders for their commitment to preserving the dairy industry and for achieving excellence in their daily lives.
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To motivate other dairy producers to achieve similar goals by creating awareness of the successes young breeders have with Registered Holsteins.
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Applicant(s) can nominate themselves, or be nominated.
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The nominee(s) must be between the ages of 21 and 40 (as of January 1 of the award year) and must be a member of the Holstein Association USA, Inc. Applicants applying as a couple or as business partners must all meet the age requirements. Herd ownership and/or management responsibility are required, and the herd they manage must be on DHIA test.
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Employees of Holstein Association USA, Inc. and their immediate families are ineligible to enter.

The winning applicant will receive travel and lodging expenses (for up to two people) to the National Holstein Convention, complimentary tickets to the Convention banquet, a $2,000 cash award, and the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder plaque. Their name will also be engraved on a permanent plaque that hangs in the Holstein Association USA headquarters in Brattleboro.

2024 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder
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Trent Hendrickson
Blanchardville, Wisconsin

  Press Release
Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder

Previous Award Winners
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2023 - Ty Etgen, OH
2022 - Mitch Kappelman, WI
2021 - Kelly, Tyler, Andy & Mackenzie Reynolds, NY
2020 - Kurt & Sarah Kurt Loehr, WI
2019 - Sheri Regan-Danhof, IA
2018 - David Harvatine, NY
2017 - Craig Carncross, WI
2016 - Joe Loehr, WI
2015 - Joel Mills, PA
2014 - Greg Andersen, ID
2013 - Chad & Amy Ryan, WI
2012 - Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, NY
2011 - Brad Groves, MO
2010 - Timothy Baker, MI
2009 - Jan & Jeff King, NY
2008 - Mark & Angie Ulness, WI
2006/2007 - Bruce & Brenda Long, WI
2005 - Spencer & Stacey Hackett, MN
2004 - Andy & Lynnette Buttles, WI
2003 - Matt & Pam Hendel, MN
2002 - Jeffrey & Gayle Benedict, NY
2001 - Trent Henkes, IA
2000 - Scott Pralle & Pamela Selz-Pralle, WI
1999 - Mark & Nikki Rodgers, VT
1998 - Kirby & Sheryl Horst, PA
1997 - Steve & Debbie Keene, ME
1996 - Scott & Jacolyn Rickeman, MN
1995 - Duane & Mary Nelson, MN
1994 - Steve & Chris Wood, PA
1993 - Gary & Rose Boyke, WI
1992 - Lloyd & Denise Pease, PA
1991 - Elmo Wendorf, Jr., WI
1990 - Mark & Natalie Schmitt, MN
1989 - John & Susan Howard, PA
1988 - Ray & Debbie Carpio, CO


Applications are available for download online, or by calling the national office or your state association. Your submission must be postmarked no later than
January 31, 2025
and sent to:

Holstein Association USA, Inc.
Attn: Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award Committee
1 Holstein Place
PO Box 808
Brattleboro, VT  05302-0808

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