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National Junior Folding Display Contest
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For the Folding Display Contest, entrants must create a free-standing display board no larger than 4' x 4', on a topic of their choice, relating to the dairy industry. Youth do not have to attend National Junior Holstein Convention to compete in this contest.

Entries for the Folding Display Contest are due to the Holstein USA
office by May 1.

You may print an entry form, or enter using the form below.

Please read the complete rules below before entering

All entries must be in place at the Convention no later than 8:00 a.m. on Monday, June 24, 2024. If you are shipping your entry to the National Convention headquarters, please select a mail service that will allow you to track the shipment of the display. Displays that arrive late will not be judged.

Your State     Age Division     Category

Title / Theme
  A value is required.

Name     A value is required.

Address  A value is required.  

         A value is required.   State    Zip A value is required.          

Phone Number
A value is required.

Birth Date A value is required. / A value is required. / A value is required.

Email Address
: A value is required.Invalid format.