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August 2024 Genetic Evaluations
Availability of Products and Prices


Approx. Date


Ordering Information

High Ranking Sire Report: Listing of top TPI Sires regardless of semen status.

August 13 $20

FAX Report

Internet Report
Internet Products: Internet pedigrees, Fact Sheets, Young Stock and Cow Quest Searches will be available shortly after the genetic update is complete. By August 13

Varies Can be found on the website
Sire Summaries Online: Look up a bull's proof information online. This product will enable you to view a bull's evaluation as printed in the Sire Summaries immediately as they are available. By August 13 $2

Free to Red Book subscribers.

Official Holstein Pedigrees:
Individual pedigrees may be ordered for processing on/or about August 11.
August 13 $5

By individual request.
Mailed or faxed (fax charges are extra).

Red Book Plus Online
Quickly and easily find comprehensive information on Holstein bulls, including genetic traits, pedigree and ancestor/progeny performance information,build and save custom lists based on criteria that is important to them, and create customized selection indexes to compare and rank bulls - and more!
August 13 $33

Free to Red Book Plus / MultiMate Subscibers.
Red Book Plus/MultiMate for Windows
A complete sire selection program which includes a pedigree mating advisor. RB+ includes all ACTIVE, LIMITED, and FOREIGN available bulls, and most frequently used sires that recently went INACTIVE. Also Includes an individual cow mating program and a module to mate your cows according to your mating strategy.

August 15


Red Book Plus/MultiMate Software can be downloaded directly from
our website.

Available Bull Population
File containing all ACTIVE and LIMITED bulls with a type or production evaluation and any INACTIVE bull that entered AI in the last 20 years with a reliability for type of at least 95%.

August 15


File available on the website.

Mailed on diskettes upon request at no additional cost.

Locator Lists
The Locator List contains the top 5,000 cows based on the Holstein Association's Type-Production Index. Printed Locator Lists are not available in April.
By August 14 $1,000
The Top 5,000 and
Top 10,000
cow files will be available.

Sire Summaries:
The Red Book will contain:

Section 1: High Ranking Bull Lists
Section 2: Available Proven Bulls
Section 3: Daughter Proven Plus Bulls:
Information on bulls with at least 75 daughters in 50 herds
Section 4: Genomic Young Bulls
Section 5: Reference Information

August 27
$25 Discounted
$30 Regular
$50 International