Top 100 TPI Polled Bulls |
Top TPI Polled Females |

"Understanding Genetics
and the Sire Summaries"
developed by the Holstein Foundation to help individuals learn more about dairy cattle genetics and the genetic evaluation system. |
"How Polled Works"
A simple video from DairyBullsOnline.Com |

Polled Place - bi-monthly magazine |
Is the future polled? The economic impacts of the alternative to dehorning
Progressive Dairyman - July 13, 2017 |
Polled Holsteins: Past, present and future
Progressive Dairyman - October 18, 2016 |
Lifeway Foods adds polled cattle to list of desired labels
Dairy Herd Management - December 16, 2015 |
Naturally polled - fad or future?
Dairy Herd Management - June 17, 2015 |
"The Time for Polled Holsteins is Right Now"
Holstein Pulse - Spring 2015 |
"Half of Holstein heifer calves could be polled by 2034"
Progressive Dairyman - January 24, 2014 |

"Gene edited hornless cow improve animal welfare but regulatory fate unclear"
The Genetic Literacy Project- May 12, 2016
"Wanted: More Bulls With No Horns"
NPR News - August 3, 2015 |
"Dairy farms asked to consider breeding no-horn cows"
Associated Press - March 28, 2015

Economic considerations of breeding for polled dairy cows versus dehorning in the United States
Journal of Dairy Science - February 1, 2017 |
Independent Polled Mutations Leading to Complex Gene Expression Differences in Cattle
PLOS ONE - March 26, 2014 |
Novel Insights into the Bovine Polled Phenotype and Horn Ontogenesis in Bovidae
PLOS ONE - May 22, 2013 |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms concordant with the horned/polled trait in Holsteins
PLOS ONE - June 21, 2013 |
A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism within the Interferon Gamma Receptor 2 Gene Perfectly Coincides with Polledness in Holstein Cattle
BioMed Central - December 8, 2008 |