This NAAB Calving Ease Sire Listing includes all Registered Holstein® bulls with an official Calving Ease evaluation and either ACTIVE or LIMITED Semen Status. The average for all bulls with progeny evaluated is 7.9% DBH.

This is the estimate of the Percentage of Difficult Births in Heifers when they calve the first time. Dairy producers may use this information when choosing bulls to breed heifers |
This is the Reliability of % DBH. This indicates the amount of pedigree and progeny information used in calculating the evaluation. Reliability increases as the proof becomes more accurate. |
Number of observations. This is the number of calvings included in each bull's evaluation. |
The information contained in the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) Dairy Sire Summary for Calving Ease is a summary of the results of a statistical analysis of calving records supplied by cooperating dairy producers and artificial insemination businesses. The results, as reported herein, can only indicate the relative differences among the bulls listed for the expected ease or difficulty with which a bull's progeny might be born on the average. Since many factors affect the ease or difficulty of the birth of the calf, these differences cannot be precise and the experiences of each producer with any one cow may vary substantially. All calculations are contingent upon the data supplied being correct in all respects and NAAB has made no warranty in this regard. The NAAB, its member artificial insemination businesses, and their agents, servants and employees make no warranty of any kind whatever, express or implied, regarding the accuracy of the information contained in this report and the calving results that may be experienced by anyone utilizing semen from the listed bulls.
Genetic Programs Administrator, NAAB, 8413 Excelsior Drive, Suite 140, Madison, WI 53717
Telephone (608) 827-0277 www.naab-css.org