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convention updates
  • Friday & Saturday, June 24 & 25
  • Thursday, June 23
  • Wednesday, June 22
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The 2011 Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting was very well-attended and gave members a chance to hear updates and ask questions about Association business, as well as some of the industry's hottest topics with presentations by Dr. Curt Van Tassell, talking about genomic technology, and Jerry Kozak, National Milk Producers Federation CEO, talking about the Foundation for the Future plan. The following summarizes updates from actions at the annual meeting.

Click on photos to view convention videos:

     President Larry Tande President Larry Tande's Address
  CEO John M Meyer CEO John Meyer's State of the Association

New Offices and Directors Elected
Elections were held for six positions on the Holstein USA board of directors.

President Chuck Worden, Cassville, N.Y.
Vice President Glen E. Brown, Coalville, Utah
Region 2 Jim Burdette, Mercersburg, Pa.
Region 3 Mike Jones, Marshall, Ind.
Region 7 Roy R. Buessing, Axtell, Kan.
At-Large Boyd Schaufelberger,
Greenville, Ill.





Bylaw Amendment Passed
The delegates voted to approve the addition of the text underlined below to the Holstein Association USA bylaws.

Article II - Officers and Their Duties, Section 1

Regional nominating committees will report to the Association nominating committee whose chairperson will give the nominating committees' report to the annual meeting.

Candidates must submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement to the Nominating Committee prior to closing of nominations at Annual Meeting. Candidates will be screened by the Nominating Committee and a slate of candidates will be presented to the delegates.

All other Officers are appointed by the Board of Directors.

Resolution Approved Thanking Virginia for their Hospitality

The delegates unanimous affirmed with a round of applause, the following resolution.

Whereas, the Virginia Holstein Association and all of the volunteers have worked hard to plan an outstanding week filled with enjoyable activities for the Holstein Association USA, Inc.'s 126th Annual Meeting and National Convention; and

Whereas the Virginia Holstein Association and their convention committees have welcomed everyone with gracious Southern hospitality; and

Whereas our Virginia hosts have given us the opportunity to visit outstanding dairies with first-rate Registered Holsteins; and

Whereas, the Virginia convention committee members have provided great opportunities to learn more about Virginia's rich history; and

Whereas the Virginia Holstein Association and their volunteers have warmly demonstrated their love for the Holstein cow and their dedication to the Holstein Association,

Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Holstein Association USA's board, members, and staff salute the Virginia Holstein Association for their efforts, and

Be it further resolved, that the delegates of this 126th Annual Meeting and National Holstein Convention sincerely thank all of the volunteers at the Virginia Holstein Association for making our week in Virginia an enjoyable one!

Annual Award Winners Announced at Closing Banquet

A highlight of the Annual Convention banquet is the announcement of the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder, Elite Breeder, and Distinguished Leadership award winners. The following individuals were honored this year on Saturday evening:

Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder - Brad Groves, Billings, Mo.
Distinguished Leadership Award - Charles Iager, Fulton, Md.
Elite Breeder - Frank Raymond Ruby, Scio, Ore.

See upcoming press releases and the Summer 2011 issue of the Holstein Pulse for complete updates from the 2011 National Holstein Convention!

Updates from the Junior Convention

National Junior Holstein members had a wide variety of competitions and activities to participate in throughout the Convention. See below for a summary of the results, and check the upcoming Summer 2011 Holstein Pulse for complete information.

The six Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) finalists were named:
Philip Bachman, Pennsylvania
Mitchell Kappelman, Wisconsin
Kelly Lee, Wisconsin
Elizabeth Olson, Minnesota
Christopher Potts, Virginia
Kevin Shaffer, Pennsylvania

Dairy Bowl

In the Junior division of dairy bowl, 20 teams competed. Pennsylvania was victorious, with Indiana coming in second.

In the Senior division, 14 teams vied for the chance to compete in the finals. At the end of the competition, Maryland and Indiana were left standing, with Maryland claiming the championship title.

One team in each division is recognized with a sportsmanship award for their team spirit. This year, Missouri received the sportsmanship award in the Junior division and Pennsylvania was recognized in the Senior division.

Prepared Public Speaking

The Junior division had 18 participants this year.
1st place: Karlin Peters, Missouri
2nd place: Katelyn Allen, Maryland
3rd place: Lora Wright, Missouri

The Intermediate division saw 20 speech competitors from across the country.
1st place: Michael Rush, Pennsylvania
2nd place: Katie Migliazzo, California
3rd place: Crystal Siemers-Peterman, Wisconsin

Nine individuals competed in the Senior divisions.
1st place: Kirsten Beaudry, New Hampshire
2nd place: Corbin Wood, Pennsylvania
3rd place: Casey Gillis, New York

Folding Display

The folding display contest saw 34 participants this year.

1st place Junior: Yvonne Longnecker, Pennsylvania
1st place Intermediate: Evan Gunter, North Carolina
1st place Senior: Jessie Hammerand, Iowa

State Banner

Sixteen states created banners showcasing their home state this year.

1st place: Florida
2nd place: New York
3rd place: California

State Scrapbook

The traditional scrapbook contest had 10 entries.

1st place: Illinois
2nd place: Wisconsin
3rd place: Washington

Six states created digital scrapbooks, with Virginia claiming top honors in that contest this year.
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Thursday was Host Day, which gave all Convention attendees the chance to get out and see some of the sites surrounding the Richmond area. From history to amusement parks to Registered Holstein farms, all were sure to find something that interested them.

Tour 1 took a group to take in the history in Colonial Williamsburg, where they could enjoy the many sites and take in the restored houses and shops in the area. Tour 2 was geared towards the young and young-at-heart and went to Busch Gardens, dubbed “America’s Most Beautiful Theme Park.” Tour 3 shuttled 250 people to two beautiful farms within an hour’s drive of Richmond, Eastview Farm, home of the Nuckols family, and Edgewood Farm, home of the Smith family. Both families rolled out the red carpet for visitors, showcasing some of their best animals and giving free reign to enjoy the scenic locations, with plenty of Southern hospitality. Those who were up for more sightseeing in the afternoon got to know the Richmond area a little better with a guided bus tour of the city.

Capping off a fun day of activities was Family Night, featuring entertainment by The Panic Squad improv comedy group. Following a delicious meal and some table games, The Panic Squad kept everyone on their toes with their entertaining skits.

Tomorrow marks the start of the Holstein USA Annual Business Meeting for the adults, and the dairy bowl competition for the Juniors. Check back early next week for voting results, competition winners and more!

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The 2011 National Holstein Convention is off to a lively start in Richmond, Virginia! From the wealth of volunteers, bustling Junior members and everything from the dairy bar to sale cattle under one roof, the excitement is contagious in the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

The dairy jeopardy contest annually marks the beginning of Junior competitions at the Convention and ran throughout the day today. In three divisions, over 75 eager and intelligent young people battled through the rounds to claim the champion titles. Here are the results:

Junior Division
1st Place: Elisabeth Regusci, California
2nd Place: Katelyn Allen, Maryland
3rd Place: Laura Littrell, New York

Intermediate Division
1st Place: Tony Lopes, California
2nd Place: Eric Migliazzo, California
3rd Place: Jake Mills, Iowa

Senior Division
1st Place: Nathan Ulmer, Pennsylvania
2nd Place: Taylor Pires, California
3rd Place: Aaron Mitchell, Illinois

At the Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) Luncheon, twelve DJM semi-finalists were honored. After a round of interviews, six finalists will be announced at the Junior Awards Luncheon on Saturday afternoon.

Philip Bachman, Pennsylvania
Danae Bauer, Wisconsin
Mandy Brazil, California
Mitchell Kappelman, Wisconsin
Kelly Lee, Wisconsin
Carl Lippert, Wisconsin
Aaron Mitchell, Illinois
Elizabeth Olson, Minnesota
Christopher Potts, Virginia
Luke Rauen, Iowa
Kevin Shaffer, Pennsylvania
Dan Stewart, Iowa

The eight Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) finalists were also honored at the luncheon:

Anna Culbertson, Minnesota
Elizabeth Davis, Maryland
David Hardesty, Jr., Virginia
Jaylene Lesher, Pennsylvania
Jessica Pralle, Wisconsin
Ruben Schaapman, Georgia
Jacob Shaffer, Pennsylvania
Crystal Siemers-Peterman, Wisconsin

Juniors continued on throughout the day with the Prepared Public Speaking Contest, Dairy Knowledge Exam (results of both will be announced at the Awards Luncheon on Saturday), and a mixer and dance.

There were plenty of activities for those not participating in youth competitions. A golf tournament took place at The Crossing Golf Club, along with tours to Goochland County farms and the greater Richmond area. Stay tuned for more updates as the week goes on!