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2019 National Genetics Conference

June 26 & 27, 2019 - Appleton, Wisconsin

The 2019 National Genetics Conference was held in conjunction with the 2019 National Holstein Convention, bringing together thought leaders in the dairy industry from around the world to advance dairy cattle genetics.

It’s been a decade since genomics came on the scene in April 2009 and speakers reviewed what we have learned, examined where we are today, and addressed what the future might bring. Below you will find each of the presentations from the conference.

Videos of all the presentations will be posted
to this page when they are available - check back soon!


The 10-Year Genomics Report Card
Mike Lohuis, Semex

      PDF of presentation

The State of Dairy Genetic Programs Today
Dan Weigel, Zoetis

      PDF of presentation

Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking: The Truth About Inbreeding in Dairy Cattle
John Cole, USDA-AGIL

      PDF of presentation

Breeder Panel:
How I Use Genetic Information to Better Manage My Herd

Patrick Crave (Crave Brothers Farm, WI), Jeff King (Kings-Ransom Farm, NY), Tom Oesch (Swiss Lane Dairy, MI), & Simon Vander Woude (Vander Woude Dairy, CA)

How Precision Dairy Will Influence Animal Breeding
Jeffrey Bewley, Alltech

      PDF of presentation

Epigenetics: Different Environments, Different Reactions
Jack Britt, Jack Britt Consulting

      PDF of presentation

Milk’s Future: Capturing Value in Genetic Traits
R. Bruce German, University of California-Davis

      PDF of presentation

We Live in the Genetics Era
Jim Rohl, Choice Genetics of Groupe Grimald

      PDF of presentation

The Evolving Role of Breeders in the Genomics Era
Tom Lawlor, Holstein Association USA

      PDF of presentation

Feed Efficiency: Hay Burners Versus Hay Converters
John Cole, USDA-AGIL

      PDF of presentation

The Genetic Super Cow
Isn't In Sight

Chad Dechow, Penn State University

      PDF of presentation


Q&A with All Presenters