due to the Executive Secretary |
, Hartford, Conn. |
, Phoenix, Ariz. |
Tulare, Calif. |
and entry books must be received |
to be included in Holstein USA promotional materials |
8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Riverdale, Calif. |
, Sioux Falls, S.D. |
, Columbus, Ohio |
entries must be received |
Stillwater, Okla. |
, Syracuse, N.Y. |
, Madison, Wis. |
, Richmond, Utah |
, Lancaster, Pa.
Junior Events |
, Lancaster, Pa.
Junior Competitions |
Family Night |
, Lancaster, Pa.
Host Day Events |
, Lancaster, Pa.
Annual Meeting - Day 1 |
National Convention Sale |
, Lancaster, Pa.
Annual Meeting - Day 2 |
Officer/Director Elections |
Convention Banquet |
Transfers must be RECEIVED BY the Holstein Association USA office by this date |
, Columbus, Ohio |
, Columbus, Ohio |
, St. Paul, Minn. |
, Harrisburg, Pa. |
- Heifers, Harrisburg, Pa. |
- Cows, Harrisburg, Pa. |
, W. Springfield, Mass. |
, Madison, Wis. (Showmanship Contest and Judging Contest) |
, Madison, Wis. (International Junior Holstein Show) |
, Madison, Wis. |
, Madison, Wis. |
, Madison, Wis. (International Holstein Show - Heifers) |
, Madison, Wis. (International Holstein Show - Cows) |
, Louisville, Ky. |
, Louisville, Ky. |
due to the Executive Secretary |