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Start-Up Program

Using the Start-Up program, any Holstein animal with an unregistered dam, including one whose lineage traces to a registered ancestor, can be registered with the highest possible %RHA.

This fulfills the program's objective of creating a true RHA herdbook that reflects an animal's lineage to the extent possible without compromising the integrity of the registry records.

When an application for registration of a calf from an unregistered dam is submitted, an automatic computer search of the industry database is performed.

This search will identify and register any ancestors found and calculate the appropriate %RHA of the subject animal and its ancestors.

It is important to note that the fee to register an animal using the Start-Up program includes the registration of all ancestors found by the Start-Up search. Certificates of registration will not be issued for ancestors; ancestors
also will not:
  • have performance information printed on an Official Holstein Pedigree™ or similar lineage document;
  • be eligible for herd classification, TriStar, recognition programs, shows, etc., regardless of the %RHA;
  • have Genetic Values published.

To elevate the status of a registered ancestor, thus permitting full program eligibility and addition of performance information to a pedigree of a register ancestor, a standard application for registration must be submitted. The fee per animal is $19 for a national member and $46 for a non-member. If an application for transfer is required, the regular fee schedule will apply.

No guarantee can be provided regarding the number of generations that will be linked as a result of the Start-Up search. If, after registering an animal, the owner has reason to believe the %RHA should be higher, he or she should contact the Holstein Association to identify the conflict and decide on the best course of action for its resolution.

The Start-Up fee schedule is as follows:


 Calves < 3 months

 Calves 3 months or above


 National Members




If the animal’s owner is a Holstein Association USA member, and the dam is not registered, it is eligible for special start-up registration rates. The application process will include an automated lineage search to maximize % Registered Holstein Ancestry (RHA). Non-members will be subject to normal registration fees based on the age of the animal.

Certificates: Certificates of Registration and Official Holstein Pedigrees™ will contain the %RHA. However, all certificates that have been issued will be honored, and producers are not required to obtain a new one unless they would like the %RHA displayed.

Even if you don't plan on selling any animals, the extra dollar value in Registered Holsteins® is building your herd's net worth, today and for the future.