BRATTLEBORO, Vt., December 20, 2018 — Holstein Association USA is excited to announce a new online system available for transfer applications at www.holsteinusa.com. Users will experience an updated, user friendly interface along with newly added features. For a video tutorial of the new online transfer system, visit http://bit.ly/2rNFgQA.
"By providing a free updated registration certificate to the buyer for all transfer applications submitted online, we have seen an increase in the service's popularity. With the new look and added features, we hope more customers will see the added benefit by submitting transfer applications through our new online system," Bridget Cummings, Identification Services Manager.
A Holstein Association USA website log in must be established to use the online transfer application system. If you would like assistance setting up a log in, please contact customer service at 800.952.5200.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., December 10, 2018 — Nominations are now open for the 2019 Holstein Association USA annual awards including Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder, Elite Breeder, and Distinguished Leadership awards.
The Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award recognizes significant accomplishments of young Registered Holstein® Breeders, ages 21 to 40. Submissions can be made for individuals, a couple, or business partners.
The Elite Breeder Award honors a living Holstein Association USA member, family, partnership, or corporation who has bred outstanding animals and thereby made a notable contribution to the advancement of U.S. Registered Holsteins.
The Distinguished Leadership Award is given to an individual who has provided outstanding and unselfish leadership that has contributed to the improvement of the Holstein Association USA and/or dairy industry.
Applications for the Elite Breeder and Distinguished Leadership awards are considered for three years after submittal.
Download award applications on the Holstein Association USA website, www.holsteinusa.com. Nomination applications must be postmarked by January 31, 2019. Honorees will receive their recognition during the 2019 National Holstein Convention, June 24-27, in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Additionally, a scholarship is available to students interested in agriculture who plan to pursue their master’s degree in business administration. The Robert H. Rumler MBA Scholarship awards $3,000 to a qualified individual pursuing their MBA at an accredited university. Applications for this scholarship must be received by April 15, 2019.
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Brattleboro, Vt., November 20, 2018 — The Holstein Association USA, Inc. (HAUSA) board of directors were in Atlanta, Georgia for the fall meeting November 13-14. President Boyd Schaufelberger led the proceedings.
The board approved the 2019 Management-by-Objective Business Plan and associated budget, as presented by management. Optimism for the future remains as the 2019 Business Plan forecasts growth in Holstein Association USA’s core products and services.
Update on 2018 Business Plan
Management reported registrations through November 3, 2018 totaled 307,812. Members continue to recognize the excellent value which the Holstein COMPLETE® program provides. Enrollment through October 2018 stood at 355,171 animals.
Holstein COMPLETE® offers dairy farmers the best value for their money by incorporating registration, mating information, classification, pedigrees, genetic reports, and production records into one convenient package. Those who participate in Holstein COMPLETE receive a 5% discount on all genomic tests ordered from Holstein Association USA.
General Manager Bill VerBoort of AgriTech Analytics (ATA), reported the highest enrollment at ATA in the past two years, and at the end of October stood at 964,137 cows in 542 herds. This is up 8,815 since the first of the year and is 13,308 more records when compared to October 2017.
Other Business
In 2014, the Holstein Association USA board approved that a portion of up to two and one-half percent of the reserve fund could be allocated for breed improvement and research. Last year, the board approved funding for a genetics research project, which is being led by Dr. Christian Maltecca of North Carolina State University. Results from the project, anticipated in the first half of next year, are expected to help members and Holstein breeders make better breeding decisions through a more thorough understanding of inbreeding.
The board approved moving forward with a three-year genetics research project which was submitted by Dr. Anna C. Denicol of the University of California-Davis. Dr. Denicol’s research focuses on breeding Holstein cows for heat tolerance using the SLICK gene. Funding for the research, over the three-year period, will be withdrawn from the reserve fund.
Recommendations from the Show Committee which the board approved include:
- Designation of twelve (12) 2019 National Holstein Shows; and
- 2019 Judges Lists which include 45 individuals on the National List and 71 on the Qualified List; both lists will be published on the Association’s website.
The 2019 Judges Conference will be held during the Mideast Spring National Holstein Show on March 28th, in Columbus, Ohio. Details can be found at www.holsteinusa.com.
Each year since 2009, the board allows the release, for reuse by others, of a prefix after 20 years of non-use. This policy makes it easier for new members to acquire prefixes for their herds. At the meeting, the board approved the release of 1,590 prefixes, effective December 31, 2018.
The list of prefixes to be released will be posted on the Holstein Association’s website to give notice to membership. If someone wants to permanently retire his or her prefix prior to the release date, they may contact Customer Service at 800.952.5200 and request to do so for a $100 fee.
Upcoming Meetings
The next board meetings are:
- Spring board meeting — March 21-22, 2019, in New England.
- Summer board meeting — June 23-24, 2019, in conjunction with the 134th Annual Meeting in Wisconsin.
For more information about any of the Association’s programs and services, visit www.holsteinusa.com, or call Customer Service at 800.952.5200. For more information about ATA’s products and services, visit www.agritech.com.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., November 12, 2018 — Holstein Association USA has released its annual Pedigree Analysis of National Holstein Show winners. These lists provide a picture of the genetics behind the cattle receiving showring accolades at the highest levels of competition.
The Pedigree Analysis is updated each fall, following the last National Holstein Show of the year. Included are lists of Leading Sires, Leading Maternal Grandsires, and Leading Sire Stacks of National Show Winners. Each category features separate lists for heifers and cows, along with an overall list. In addition, viewers will find other interesting information, such as the average classification score for each class and historical data from previous years.
Holstein females included in the analysis were those that placed in the top three in their respective age class at a National Holstein Show in 2018, which included a total of 200 different heifers and 263 different cows.
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET claimed the title of Overall Leading Sire for the 2018 National Holstein Show winners, siring 75 daughters who placed in the top three of their classes. He was also number one on the heifer list, with a total of 47 heifers.
Braedale Goldwyn was the second-ranking sire overall and number one on the cow list, with a total of 29 cows placing in the top three. Twenty-nine bulls each sired at least four daughters placing in the top three in their class at a 2018 National Holstein Show.
For the second year, Braedale Goldwyn topped the Leading Maternal Grandsires of heifers, cows and the overall list, and was the maternal grandsire of 31 heifers and 39 cows. Maple-Downs-I G Atwood-ET was the second-ranking maternal grandsire overall.
The combination of Val-Bisson Doorman-ET x Braedale Goldwyn topped the Overall Leading Sire Stacks, the list of Leading Sire Stacks for Heifers and Cows. For a second year, Val-Bisson Doorman-ET x Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET was the second Leading Sire Stack overall.
To view the complete Pedigree Analysis, check under the Popular Lists section on the Holstein Association USA homepage, or go directly to www.holsteinusa.com/shows/pedanalysis_show_winners.html.
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Brattleboro, Vt., September 25, 2018 — Effective November 1, 2018, Holstein Association USA, Inc. will have the following rush shipping fees when such service is requested for registrations and transfers:
2nd day: $30
Overnight: $40
Saturday delivery: $56
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Brattleboro, Vt., August 1, 2018 — Holstein Association USA's delegate election process is currently underway. Each year, members have the opportunity to nominate members from their state to serve as voting delegates at the following year's Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with the National Holstein Convention.
The 2019 Annual Meeting will be held in Appleton, Wisconsin, June 26 - 27.
Important Deadlines
Here are the important deadlines to take into account:
August 1 - Nominating petitions mailed to members
September 28 - Nominating petitions must be received by Holstein Association USA
October 12 - Deadline for nominees to withdraw names from the ballot
November 1 - Ballots mailed to members
January 2, 2019 - Ballots must be received by Holstein Association USA
February 1, 2019 - 2019 delegate election finalized
Members Ineligible to Serve in 2019
Members become ineligible to serve as a delegate after serving as a delegate at three consecutive Annual Meetings. The following individuals, listed by state, are ineligible to be nominated to serve as a delegate in 2019:
Bonnie Burr, Conn.
Mary Margaret Cole, Conn.
Gary Janssen, Ill.
Brian Olbrich, Ill.
James D. Strout, Sr, Maine
Melissa M. Griffin, Mass.
David L. Alberts, Minn.
Reid K. Hoover, Pa.
Dwight C. Stoltzfus, Pa.
Douglas Kent Ode, S.D.
James M. Cook, Va.
Gary L. Lentz, Pa.
Ryan Rodney Weigel, Wis.
Daniel A. Berry, Wash.
With questions about the Holstein Association USA delegate process, contact Jodi Hoynoski at 800.952.5200, ext. 4261 or by email.
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Brattleboro, Vt., July 24, 2018 — Nothing says summer quite like ice cream.
A double-scoop of vanilla, chocolate or strawberry, the options for this favorite treat are endless. And it’s all made possible thanks to the nation’s dairy farmers and the Registered Holstein® cow.
This summer, Holstein Association USA celebrates farm families from coast to coast during the second episode of Holstein America, 9 p.m. CDT, Thursday, Aug. 9 on RFD-TV. Mark the calendar or set the DVR to record this anticipated television broadcast.
“The nation’s dairy farmers produced milk to supply more than 1 billion gallons of ice cream in 2017, and that’s the result of countless hours spent caring for their cows,” says John Meyer, CEO of Holstein Association USA. “We’re honored to introduce these individuals and families in the Holstein America series.”
The hour-long program, sponsored by Merck Animal Health, pays tribute to the iconic, black-and-white cow. Shining a light on some of the people behind the Holstein cow, the show introduces hardworking men and women who have devoted their lives to U.S. Registered Holsteins; each cow an improvement on the past.
The Holstein cow provides the world’s perfect food: high-quality, nutritious dairy products that are the cornerstone of most modern diets. Today, the breed accounts for more than 90 percent of U.S. milk production. Levels made possible thanks to continuous improvements in efficiency and productivity.
In Holstein America, learn about modern-day dairy production and hear from those with a passion for Registered Holsteins. From California's lush central valley to cornfields in Iowa to the banks of the Hudson River in New York, each family shares their unique story of the Holstein cow.
Holstein America premiered in February 2018 on RFD-TV. Join us for the second episode at 9 p.m. CDT, Thursday, Aug. 9.
RFD-TV is a leading independent cable channel available on DISH Network, DIRECTV®, AT&T U-Verse, Charter Spectrum, Cox, Comcast, Mediacom, Suddenlink and many other rural cable systems. Reference your local listings for more information.
After the show, visit www.holsteinusa.com to find a complete collection of the Holstein America series online. Also stay tuned to Holstein Association USA on Facebook and Instagram for more information.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 17, 2018 — Holstein Association USA recognized several Junior members who breed and own exceptional Holstein cattle during the National Junior Holstein Convention, June 29 - July 3, in Acme, Michigan. The awards, based on type and production, are designed to reward and encourage Junior members to continue their excellent Registered Holstein breeding programs. All eligible cows are automatically screened for these awards on an annual basis.
National Junior Star Performer Award
The National Star Performer Award recognizes well-rounded Holstein cows with exceptional milk and component production, as well as admirable classification scores. The cow must be bred and still currently owned by their Junior Holstein breeder; have an RHA of at least 87%; be enrolled in Holstein Association USA's TriStarSM production records program; have a 305-day or less lactation completed in the last calendar year, producing at least 25,000 pounds milk; and be classified Very Good-85 or higher. Once the eligible cows are determined, they are ranked based on a formula: (Combined ME Fat and Protein + Age Adjusted Classification Score) x (Breed Average ME CFP/Breed Average Age Adjusted Score). Annually, ten cows are recognized with this honor, with the highest-ranking cow being designated as the National Junior Star Performer.
The 2017 National Junior Star Performer is Ryan-VU Chelios Mocha owned by Dylan and Cameron Ryan of Wisconsin. Mocha is classified Excellent-92 at 3-05, and calving in at 2-01, has a 297-day production record of 26,910 pounds of milk, with 1,396 pounds of fat and 919 pounds of protein.
Continuing, the top 10 winners of this esteemed award for 2017 are:
2nd place: Siemers McCutch Berrina, owned by Jordan and Connor Siemers, Wis.
3rd place: Lars-Acres Ovr Faceplant-ET, owned by Brooke, Dane and Luke Trustem, Wis.
4th place: K-Lane Alou Radar, owned by Riley Koehn, Ill.
5th place: Doorco Epic Bubbles, owned by Austin Vandertie, Wis.
6th place: Hi-Lo-Valley Atwood Leonora, owned by Austin Yager, Wis.
7th place: Roll-N-View Mogul Clatter, owned by Allison Galton, N.Y.
8th place: Four-Hills EP Razmataz 5069, owned by Jonathan Hill, Vt.
9th place: Siemers Doorman Holycow, owned by Jordan Siemers, Wis.
10th place: Stone-Front Baltimr Sweetie, owned by James Buttles, Wis.
National Cream of the Crop Award
The National Cream of the Crop Award recognizes the top 75 Junior-owned Registered Holstein cows that have produced the highest combined pounds of fat and protein during a 305-day lactation. To be eligible for this award, cows must meet the following criteria: be owned by a current Holstein Association USA Junior member; have an RHA of at least 87%; be enrolled in the TriStar production records program; and have a 305-day or less record of over 30,000 pounds of milk completed during the calendar year, with the entire lactation being completed while the animal is under youth ownership. Once the pool of eligible cows is determined, cows are ranked on total pounds of fat and protein produced during the lactation.
First place in the 2017 Cream of the Crop award is Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET owned by Paul Grulke of Wisconsin. Virgie is classified Excellent-95 2E, and calving in at 6-04, had a 305-day production record of 44,710 pounds of milk, with 1,784 pounds of fat and 1,296 pounds of protein.
Rounding out the top 10 Cream of the Crop winners for 2017 are:
2nd place: Bur-Le-Acres Destry Dagney, owned by Brooke Arnold, Pa.
3rd place: Mikelholm Windbrook Rory-ET, owned by Emily Mikel, N.Y.
4th place: Lars-Acres Felices Felix-ET, owned by Brooke, Dane and Luke Trustem, Wis.
5th place: Joliam Dusk Radia 4370-RED, owned by Nicole Pralle, Wis.
6th place: Cow-Palace Hero Mystery, owned by Savanna Ridge, Wis.
7th place: Siemers McCutch Rio, owned by Jordan Siemers, Wis.
8th place: Tramilda Atwood Mocha, owned by Taylor Smith, Tenn.
9th place: Joliam Dusk 4309, owned by Nicole Pralle, Wis.
10th place: Mil-R-Mor Sanchez Dulce, owned by Kaylen Miller, Ill.
National Junior 150,000 Pound Lifetime Production Award
Junior members who own a cow which has produced over 150,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime are eligible to earn the National 150,000 Pound Cow award. This year's honorees are Levi Banowetz, Iowa; Jarrod Bowman, Ohio; Madison Calvert, Wis.; McKenzie Calvert, Wis.; Payton Calvert, Wis.; Taylor Currie, N.Y.; Samantha Gambonini, Calif.; Madison Garvin, Tenn.; Megan Hill, Vt.; Brook Hoff, Md.; Emily Irwin, Ill.; Kyle Jackson, Pa.; Jennifer King, N.Y.; Jeff Koster, Texas; Benjamin Kronberg, Wis.; Emily Mikel, N.Y.; Madison Mowrer, Pa.; Geneva Nunes, Wis.; Taylor Paye, Wis.; Monica Schaapman, Ga.; Oliver Schmitz, Kan.; Connor Siemers, Wis.; Jordan Siemers, Wis.; Garrett Steinberger, Texas; and Morgan Stump, Pa.
National Junior 200,000 Pound Lifetime Production Award
The National 200,000 Pound Cow award honors youth owning a cow who has produced 200,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime, entirely under the ownership of the youth. Receiving the award this year are James Buttles, Wis.; Connor Siemers, Wis.; and Jordan Siemers, Wis.
Other recognition Holstein Association USA Junior members can achieve include the National Junior Breeder of an Excellent Cow Award and National Junior Breeder of a Multiple "E" Cow Award.
Find complete lists of all Junior award honorees at www.holsteinusa.com/juniors, under Junior Awards in the main menu.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 13, 2018 — Holstein Association USA recognized Junior members in Acme, Michigan during the 2018 National Holstein Convention for their participation in a variety of activities. Nearly 350 Junior Holstein members competed in activities and contests at the National Junior Holstein Convention, held June 29 through July 3 in Acme, Michigan. Contests are designed to showcase talents and develop skills that will be useful for these young Holstein breeders’ future endeavors.
Prepared Public Speaking Contest
Broken into three age divisions, 50 youth participated in the prepared public speaking competition. Following are the results from each division.
Junior Division (ages 9-13 as of January 1)
1st place: Jenna Larson, Florida, Apps in Agriculture
2nd place: Sarah Craun, Virginia, What's in Your Glass
3rd place: Sydney Gwidt, Wisconsin, A2 Milk
Intermediate Division (ages 14-17 as of January 1)
1st place: Danielle Herrick, New York, Genomics
2nd place: Shelby Sumner, Florida, Milk Quality vs. Quantity
3rd place: Elizabeth Swatling, New York, PTSD in Cows
Senior Division (ages 18-21 as of January 1)
1st place: Connor Nugent, Michigan, Robots-Please Milk the Cows
2nd place: Brock Irwin, Illinois, Game on - Being Efficient During Tough Times
3rd place: Hanna Richman, New Jersey, The Power of Art in Conveying the Spirit of the Dairy Industry
Folding Display Competition
Forty-six entries were submitted in this year's Folding Display competition. Participants create a free-standing display educating people about a dairy industry-related topic of their choice. Youth are divided into three age divisions, and each division has two categories — Scientific and Creative. Junior Holstein members are not required to attend the National Convention to enter a display and compete in this contest. Following are the results for each category.
Junior Creative Displays
1st place: Rachel Craun, Virginia, Achieving "TLC" Total Livestock Calmness
2nd place: Jocelyn Troutman, Pennsylvania, Colostrum
3rd place: Hannah Scott, Iowa, Oh Nuts! It Can't Be Milk
Junior Scientific Displays
1st place: Sarah Craun, Virginia, Hit Em With Your Best Shot
2nd place: Joseph Coltrane, North Carolina, Pop a Shot
3rd place: Jenna Larson, Florida, Feel the Breeze
Intermediate Creative Displays
1st place: Lauren Siemers, Wisconsin, Connect the Pieces of Agvocating for Agriculture
2nd place: Anna Klink, Pennsylvania, Weird Uses of Milk
Intermediate Scientific Displays
1st place: Bailie Shultz, Washington, Sustainable Dairy Farming
2nd place: Clarissa Ulness, Wisconsin, Why So Special
3rd place: Siana Barrett, California, Water
Senior Creative Displays
1st place: Molly O'Sullivan, New Jersey, Methane Balloons
2nd place: Sarah Gardner, Pennsylvania, A Cow's Digestion System
Senior Scientific Displays
1st place: Cole Verano, Florida, Eye in the Sky
2nd place: Taylor Pool, Pennsylvania, What are you Powered By?
3rd place: Daniel Kitchen, Pennsylvania, The Evolution of Dairy Cattle Breeding
State Scrapbook
The state scrapbook contest gives each state the chance to tell the story of activities and events their Junior Holstein associations take part in each year. Five states submitted traditional scrapbooks this year.
1st place: Iowa
2nd place: Illinois
3rd place: Michigan
4th place: New England
5th place: Minnesota
Digital State Scrapbook
The Digital Scrapbook division had nine entries submitted this year. This division is judged on the same criteria as a traditional scrapbook, but entries must be presented on a computer, DVD player, or other digital format.
1st place: Florida
2nd place: Iowa
3rd place: New England
4th place: Illinois
5th place: New York
State Banner
The state banner competition allows states to creatively showcase their state pride, with seven entries submitted this year, displayed throughout the week at the Convention.
1st place: California
2nd place: Virginia
3rd place: Missouri
New Representatives Elected to Junior Advisory Committee (JAC)
Three new youth area representatives were elected to the National Junior Advisory Committee (JAC) during the National Junior Forum. These youth members were appointed to the Junior Advisory Committee: Area 2 - Korey Oechsle, Ohio; Area 4 - Hayley Fernandes, California; and At-Large - Matthew Boop, Pennsylvania.
The JAC is the governing body of the Junior Association and oversees the organization's activities. Youth committee members are elected by the Junior membership at the National Junior Forum, and members serve two-year terms.
See the Summer 2018 issue of The Pulse, and visit our website, www.holsteinusa.com, for more coverage of the 2018 National Holstein Convention.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 12, 2018 — Tera Baker, Three Oaks, Michigan, is the 2018 Robert H. Rumler Scholarship winner. Tera is currently enrolled in the MBA Program at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan with an anticipated March 2020 graduation date.
"I am very thankful to receive the Robert H. Rumler scholarship to aid in funding my MBA education. This kind of support from the Holstein industry is what continues to drive my passion towards expanding my knowledge base so that I may help to lead and innovate the modern dairy world," Tera Baker says.
Raised on her family’s farm in Michigan, Baker began developing her strong work ethic and interest in the dairy industry. She is a 2012 Michigan State University graduate, where she majored in agribusiness management.
Baker has worked for Topcon Agriculture Americas for five years and is currently the sales manager for livestock products. In her role, she is responsible for driving sales of precision technology in animal weighing and feeding primarily to dairy and beef farms. Baker travels the world managing 12 international accounts in countries in North and South America, Africa, Australia and Middle East.
Baker was recently recognized as the 2018 Michigan Holstein Association's Outstanding Young Breeder. She is a Class 10 graduate of the Holstein Foundation's Young Dairy Leaders Institute. In 2012, Baker was honored as a Holstein Association USA National Distinguished Junior Member.
The $3,000 scholarship was established in 1984 by Holstein Association USA, Inc. to encourage deserving and qualified individuals with a bachelor's degree in dairy production to obtain a master's degree in business administration.
This scholarship program honors former Executive Secretary Robert H. Rumler. He led the Association for 25 years and believed U.S. agribusiness needs and deserves the best trained, most highly qualified leaders the nation's educational system and practical experience can provide.
Tera Baker received recognition for the Robert H. Rumler Scholarship at the National Holstein Convention, held in Acme, Michigan.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 10, 2018 — The Holstein Association USA, Inc. (HAUSA) board of directors met June 30, 2018 in Acme, Michigan. The meeting, chaired by President Boyd Schaufelberger, was held in conjunction with the 133rd Annual Meeting and convention at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa.
Program activity
Through June 23rd, registrations totaled 176,412 Holsteins, which is an increase of four percent over the same time last year. The Association processed 33,173 transfers through the same time period, ten percent lower when compared to 2017.
Holstein COMPLETE® enrollment through June 30th stood at 351,408 animals. Members continue to recognize excellent value for all herd sizes enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE, with participation up three percent, representing an additional 9,361 cows, since the first of the year.
Management reported AgriTech Analytics (ATA) enrollment stood at 949,640 through May. This represents an increase of 2,779 more records when compared to the previous month. AgriTech Analytics, a subsidiary of the Holstein Association, is located in Visalia, California.
In December 2017, the American Guernsey Association (AGA) and Holstein Association USA (HAUSA) formed an agreement whereby HAUSA classifiers will appraise Guernsey cattle throughout the United States. The project got off the ground in January when HAUSA's classification team began scoring Guernseys. HAUSAs entire classification staff are fully trained to score Guernsey cattle along with Holsteins, and staff will renew their skills annually during the classification conference.
Research grant program
The HAUSA-funded inbreeding research project on Holstein cattle being conducted by Dr. Christian Maltecca of North Carolina State University is ongoing, with a final report expected during the first quarter of 2019. The inaugural grant funding program, announced by the Holstein Association USA, Inc. a year ago in June, invites research proposals with expected outcomes to benefit the profitability of Holstein cattle.
Research may involve traditional production disciplines of genetics, nutrition, or reproduction as well as dairy foods or economics. The submission deadline for 2018 grant proposals is August 15, 2018. Applications for funding will be reviewed, ranked, and the successful project announced later in the year.
Committee reports
The board heard reports from the Audit, Genetic Advancement, International, and Type Advisory committees. One recommendation came from the Type Advisory Committee, which the board approved, making the linear trait Rear Teat Placement a two-way trait, with intermediate being optimum.
Additionally, recommendations came from the Genetic Advancement Committee, which the board approved, to support the industry strengthening the accuracy of the haplotype calls by adding the causative variant to the SNP chips, and reaffirming HAUSA's usage of the term "haplotypes" when referring to these embryonic conditions. The board reaffirmed its policy to welcome the introduction of new beneficial genes into the Holstein breed by means of natural introgression.
Board related activity
During a special dinner on June 30th, the board honored retiring Directors R. Paul Buhr of Wisconsin (Region 5) and Patrick Maddox of California (Region 9). A reorganization meeting of the Board, led by President Schaufelberger on July 3rd, welcomed returning Directors John Andersen of Idaho and John Marshman of New York, and newly-elected Directors Robert Webb of Wisconsin and Bill Genasci of California. Directors serve three year terms.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 10, 2018 — Holstein Association USA recently recognized six finalists as 2018 National Distinguished Junior Members (DJM) at the National Junior Holstein Convention on July 3 in Acme, Michigan. This is the highest honor a Junior Holstein member may receive and is based on outstanding work throughout their dairy project career.
The contest, held since 1922, has honored 376 outstanding dairy youth for their contributions to the Association and the dairy industry as a whole.
The finalists for this year's competition are Alexandra Gambonini, Petaluma, Calif.; Kayla Leiding, Fountain, Minn.; Erin Norris, Westhampton, Mass.; Joseph Opsal, Blue Mounds, Wis.; Nicholas Logan Potts, Purcellville, Va.; and Mary Scott, Westgate, Iowa.
Applicants completed two judging phases. Phase one, the Junior's entry book, is worth 60-percent of the final score. The book highlights the Junior's Holstein work, activities and projects, breeding program and personal views.
Phase two takes place at the National Junior Holstein Convention, where the twelve semifinalists are interviewed by a second committee. The interview accounts for 40-percent of the final score. The six individuals with the highest combined scores are recognized at the National Junior Awards Banquet as Distinguished Junior Member Finalists and receive an annual renewed membership to the Holstein Association.
'The Distinguished Junior Member program recognizes the future of the dairy industry. This honor is a coveted title that celebrates youth from across the country working with Registered Holsteins. These members are leaders in their community, role models for other youth in addition to being spokespeople for the dairy industry,' Kelli Dunklee, Holstein Association USA & Holstein Foundation Program Specialist states.
The Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) Contest selected eight Junior members as finalists and were also recognized at the National Convention. The YDJM winners were judged on similar criteria to the Distinguished Junior Member Contest, but do not complete the interview phase.
The Young Distinguished Junior Members for 2018 are: Eliza Endres, Waunakee, Wis.,
Nathan Erbsen, Lanark, Ill., Matthew Gunst, Hartford, Wis., Julia Heijkoop, Webster, Fla., Hannah Hockerman, Westfield, Wis., Samantha Pitterle, Watertown, Wis., Audrie Risser, Lebanon, Pa., and Blake Wright, Verona, Mo.
For more information about Holstein Association USA’s youth programs, visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 9, 2018 — Holstein Association USA's 2018 Distinguished Leadership Award recipient is respected by all who meet him. He is a tireless promoter of Registered Holstein cattle, who developed ideas that would make people want to be a part of the Registered Holstein industry. Holstein Association USA is proud to honor William C. Nichol of State College, Pennsylvania as the 2018 Distinguished Leadership Award recipient.
For nearly 40 years, Nichol was at the helm of the Pennsylvania Holstein Association. As executive director, he spearheaded the state’s organization, and initiated programs and services to benefit Holstein breeders. During his career, he coordinated the activities of 50 county clubs, and increased membership to over 6,300 members statewide. After retiring in 1997, he received the lifetime title of executive director emeritus.
Under his leadership, the Pennsylvania Holstein Association grew to the point that a 125-acre farm was purchased to accommodate the shipment of cattle for export to more than 50 countries. The farm serves as a USDA export facility and has a capacity for 1,200 Holsteins. Nichol even flew with the cattle to help buyers in other countries with herd management techniques.
Nichol helped to lead the Pennsylvania dairy industry in a positive direction for many years. He was there for the start of the All-American Dairy show, helped get embryo transfer programs started in the eastern United States, and was always willing to offer advice and counsel to many organizations. He had the vision for the weekly magazine, Farmshine, and encouraged Dieter Krieg to produce a state-wide dairy paper.
Nichol is dedicated to serving not only the dairy industry, but also his community, church and other worthy causes. Nichol has been a member of his local Kiwanis club since 1956. While president of the State College Kiwanis Club, the club became the largest in Pennsylvania.
Nichol and his wife, Lilly, have one daughter, Nancy. Nancy and her husband, Craig, have three children, Lindsey, Spencer and Taylor.
Leading the dairy industry forward for decades, Nichol created a lifetime legacy. He has devoted his life to providing outstanding and unselfish leadership for the betterment of the dairy industry and the Registered Holstein cow.
About the Award
This award recognizes an individual who has made a career of providing outstanding and unselfish leadership for the betterment of the dairy industry. Nichol received the award at the recent National Holstein Convention in Acme, Mich.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 9, 2018 — Recognized around the world for high-quality Registered Holstein® genetics, this year’s Elite Breeder has imprinted an international mark promoting Registered Holstein genetics. Holstein Association is honored to present Tom and Gin Kestell of Ever-Green-View Farms of Waldo, Wisconsin the 2018 Elite Breeder Award.
As a result of 47 years of commitment to superior dairy cattle, Tom and Gin’s family now manages one of the world’s highest producing herds, as well as an exporting business.
Tom and Gin have exported over 8,900 embryos in the last nine years to many countries including Russia, China, Germany, Brazil, Japan, India and the Netherlands. In 2017, they exported more than 14 percent of all U.S. dairy embryos.
The Kestells started farming with little more than a dream. In 1971, they established Ever-Green-View Farms and started their farming career on rented land. Eight years later, they procured their current facility. Like many in the business, cash flow was tight during these early years. Tom says he did not invest deeply in genetics.
In the mid-1980s, Tom started working with Dr. Byron W. Williams of EmQuest Embryo Transfer Service to expand his herd’s horizons. Embryo transfer work allowed Tom to influence his herd more quickly with a handful of his best cow families. Tom also wanted to export embryos directly from his farm to the European Union (EU). Ever-Green-View Farms is a federally inspected, EU-approved export facility for embryos.
Many of their cows have been recognized with state and national records for milk, fat, and protein. Ever-Green-View Farms is home to the first dam and daughter duo to receive national milk production record status.
Their first national milk production record holder was Ever-Green-View My 1326-ET EX-92. She was the national milk production record holder from 2010-2015 and produced 72,170 pounds of milk, 2,787 pounds of fat and 2,142 pounds of protein, completing her 4-year-old record.
The Kestell’s second national milk production record holder, Ever-Green-View My Gold-ET EX-93, held a 365-day record of 77,480 pounds of milk with 1,992 pounds of fat and 2,055 pounds of protein as a four-year-old from December 2016 to September 2017.
Strong believers in helping others, Tom and Gin want to help improve the lives of farm families and advance the worldwide dairy industry.
One of their most prominent contributions has been their faithfulness in helping young dairy producers develop their herds. The Kestells offer genetic advancement opportunities through an embryo sharing program to ensure that other dairy farmers have a chance to improve their genetics.
The couple’s commitment to providing others the tools they need to help them prosper runs deep within their community. They have awarded more than 20 scholarships to area students in memory of their late son, Clay.
About the Award
The award recognizes a Holstein breeder who bred outstanding animals, making a notable contribution to the advancement of the Holstein breed in the United States. The Kestells are true ambassadors of both the dairy industry and the Registered Holstein cow. Tom and Gin recently were honored during the 2018 National Holstein Convention in Acme, Michigan.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 9, 2018 — Holstein Association USA is proud to recognize David Harvatine of King Ferry, New York, as the 2018 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder. As co-owner and dairy manager of Aurora Ridge Dairy, Harvatine is living his dream of working in the dairy industry and breeding elite Registered Holsteins®.
Aurora Ridge Dairy is located north of Ithaca, New York, in the heart of the Finger Lakes region. Started in the mid-1980’s by Bill and Penny Cook, Aurora Ridge Dairy has expanded from a 65-cow herd to 2,250 cows. Today, Aurora Ridge Dairy is owned by four partners: Bill Cook, Dan Westfall, Jason Burrows and Harvatine.
Superior Genetics
With a strong desire for robust genetics, Harvatine enjoys studying pedigrees and browsing bull books. When genomic testing was introduced, Aurora Ridge Dairy dabbled with the idea and today they are using 100 percent genomic sires.
Aurora Ridge Dairy’s rolling herd average is 34,000 pounds on three times a day milking. Currently, the cows are averaging 92 pounds of milk per day with 3.9 percent fat, 3.1 percent protein and a somatic cell count of 100,000.
Knowing that milk is their number one income driver, Harvatine starts by using bulls +1,000 pounds for PTA milk. Components are also key in his decisions as he avoids choosing negative component bulls.
“If I’m going to feed two cows, I'd rather feed one that makes the most milk and has longevity,” Harvatine says.
Harvatine looks at genetics as a long-term investment. Harvatine also says he wants cows that are going to be structurally sound and visually impressive, so he pays attention to udder composite, PTA type, feet and leg composite, somatic cell score and daughter pregnancy rate.
Amplifying Efficiency with Technology
Adaptation of technology has been an important part of their operation. Aurora Ridge Dairy utilizes the many genetic and reproduction technologies available. His team uses Enlight® on a weekly basis to make informed donor selection decisions and to calculate
which animals to sell.
A key management practice for Harvatine is accurate identification. With less than one percent of genomic parentage errors, Harvatine says his team has found their groove.
“If we are making the decision to invest in higher-end semen, on higher-end genetics, I don’t want to have identification errors,” Harvatine says. “Doing it right starts with the correct steps along the way and for identification that first step starts when the calf hits the ground.”
Beyond the Dairy
Harvatine and his wife, Leigh-Ann, have two children, Ava, 10, and Bree, 7. Harvatine is known as a man who is humble and enthusiastic, with a robust work ethic.
Harvatine volunteers his time with several groups, including serving as a member of the local school board, and on the board of managers for Cayuga Marketing LLC, an organization consisting of 29 members who own and manage dairy farms in central New York. Always interested in continuous improvement, Harvatine is currently participating in the Cornell University Dairy Executive Program to advance his leadership and management abilities.
About the Award
The Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder award recognizes significant accomplishments of young Registered Holstein® breeders for their commitment to preserving the dairy industry and for achieving excellence in their daily lives.
Harvatine was recently honored during the 2018 National Holstein Convention in Acme, Michigan.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., June 19, 2018 — Holstein Association USA invites researchers to submit proposals for the Research Grant Program. The applications must include expected outcomes to benefit the profitability of Holstein cattle.
Holstein Association USA is interested in research that advances the profitability and health of Registered Holstein® cattle through genetics, but proposals researching other areas of improvement are also admitted. Grant proposals should represent research in the U.S. on animals or products of the Holstein breed.
“While the Holstein cow is profitable now, one objective for Holstein Association USA’s Research Grant Program is to increase the profitability well into the future,” Roger Shanks, Ph.D., Holstein Association USA genetic consultant says.
Grants are expected to be funded within the range of $10,000 to $80,000 per year with grant durations of one to three years. Submit applications for research grant funds to [email protected] by August 15, 2018.
More details about the grant guidelines and process can be found on the Holstein Association USA website, www.holsteinusa.com/programs_services/research_grant.html.
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Producers can participate with Clarifide® Plus and Enlight® to identify top females
PARSIPPANY, N.J., June 12, 2018 — Zoetis and Holstein Association USA are partnering to publish new lists that will recognize high-ranking females for the Dairy Wellness Profit Index® (DWP$®). These high-ranking females provide examples of overall profitability achieved with DWP$ that other producers can strive for. Similar to the top-ranking DWP$ bull lists available, the high-ranking female lists identify animals with strong genetic potential for valuable combinations of high production, reproduction and longevity traits, plus reduced risk for cow and calf diseases.
DWP$ is a genetic selection index only offered with Clarifide® Plus. Selecting animals with DWP$ allows for faster progress toward more profitability because more genetic variation is described than other commercially available indexes. Producers must opt in for their animals to be included in these new lists. They can opt in by visiting EnlightDairy.com.
"These lists can make it easier for Holstein producers striving to improve their herd's health, performance and profitability to identify and benchmark their females against other elite cattle in the breed," said Cheryl Marti, associate director, U.S. Marketing, Dairy Genetics and Reproduction, Zoetis.
With data originating from Clarifide Plus, the following high-ranking female lists will be made available through the Holstein Association USA website:
- Monthly, beginning July 2018: Top 200 Basic ID and Registered females newly evaluated for DWP$ for that month
- Three times/year, beginning August 2018: Top 100 DWP$ for Registered females younger than 6 months old
- Three times/year, beginning August 2018: Top 100 DWP$ for Registered females 6 to 24 months old
- Three times/year, beginning August 2018: Top 100 DWP$ for Registered females older than 24 months
"Since launching Clarifide Plus, producers have expressed great interest in having these female rankings, as more producers continue to seek additional opportunities for profitability through performance and wellness," Marti said.
How Dairy Producers Can Participate
Starting in June, Zoetis and Holstein Association USA welcome dairy producers who are testing with Clarifide Plus to visit EnlightDairy.com and opt in for their herd data to be eligible for these high-ranking female lists. Opting in authorizes Holstein USA and Zoetis to publish a producer's genomic information if an animal qualifies for the list. Lists will be made available to producers at HolsteinUSA.com.
"Holstein Association USA is pleased to partner with Zoetis to produce these new lists," said Lindsey Worden, executive director, Holstein Genetic Services, Holstein Association USA. "Zoetis has been a force for advancing genomic testing that drives genetic improvement. This work helps producers breed better and more profitable Holsteins, which is a core value of the Holstein Association. This new initiative is a natural extension of our partnership with Zoetis, and it satisfies a request that we frequently hear from breeders."
DWP$ is the most comprehensive commercially available genetic selection index. It ranks animals for production traits, risk of disease, fertility, longevity and other performance traits in Holstein cattle. The high-ranking female lists will include official industry rankings using DWP$ genomic data. DWP$ includes the new calf wellness traits — calf livability, respiratory disease and scours. DWP$ also includes the six cow wellness traits from Clarifide Plus: mastitis, lameness, metritis, retained placenta, displaced abomasum and ketosis. Armed with reliable genomic information from Clarifide Plus, producers can confidently make management, selection and breeding decisions to achieve faster genetic progress.
For more information, please contact your Zoetis representative or Holstein USA representative. Additional resources about genomic testing with Clarifide Plus can be found at ClarifidePlus.com.
About Holstein Association USA
Holstein Association USA, Inc., provides products and services to dairy producers to enhance genetics and improve profitability of Holstein cattle, ranging from registry processing and identification programs to consulting services. Headquartered in Brattleboro, Vermont, Holstein Association USA maintains the records for Registered Holstein® and represents approximately 30,000 members throughout the United States. For more information, visit www.holsteinusa.com.
About Zoetis
Zoetis (NYSE: ZTS) is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 60 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and markets veterinary vaccines and medicines, complemented by diagnostic products, genetic tests, biodevices and a range of services. Zoetis serves veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals with sales of its products in more than 100 countries. In 2017, the company generated annual revenue of $5.3 billion with approximately 9,000 employees. For more information, visit www.zoetisUS.com.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., June 8, 2018 — The esteemed Star of the Breed award was introduced in 2007 to acknowledge an elite Registered Holstein® cow that embodies outstanding production combined with exceptional type.
This year, Holstein Association USA presents the Star of the Breed distinction to Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET. At the time of recognition, Virgie was owned by 21-year-old Paul Grulke of Mayville, Wis.
Her balance, depth of body and front-end strength are attributes Paul says he admires about Virgie. He began working with her as a Junior Holstein project alongside Matt and Travis Smith of Smith-Crest Holsteins.
During her last lactation, calving in at six years and four months of age, on two-time a day milking, Virgie produced 44,710 pounds of milk, with 1,784 pounds of fat and 1,296 pounds of protein.
Classified Excellent-95 2E, Virgie is a cow to be admired by any Registered Holstein breeder.
Currently a junior at University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Paul is majoring in dairy science with a minor in agriculture business. He enjoys finding the best mating for each cow, while learning how genetics evolve over time.
After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in genetics. His aspirations include being a herdsman or owning his own dairy farm where he could focus on breeding high-type animals.
Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET will be honored during the 2018 Holstein Association USA’s Annual Meeting, July 2-3 in Acme, Michigan. Registration is available at www.holsteinusa.com.
About the Award
To be eligible for the Star of the Breed award, a cow must place in the top five in her class at a National Holstein Show, be in a herd enrolled in the TriStarSM program and have an official classification score. Once the eligible cows are determined, the following calculation is used to determine the award recipient: Combined Mature Equivalent (ME) Fat and Protein + Age Adjusted Classification Score x (Breed Average ME CFP/ Breed Average Age Adjusted Score).
For more information about the Star of the Breed Award, visit www.holsteinusa.com/awards/animals.html.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., June 4, 2018 — Seventeen Registered Holstein® breeders have earned the distinction of 2017 Herd of Excellence by Holstein Association USA. There are three herd size divisions, 10-99 cows, 100-499 cows, and 500+ cows. Each division is based on the number of cows included in Mature Equivalent (ME) production averages for each herd.
The announcement of the Herd of Excellence recipients is an annual tradition. Since its beginning in 2008, the Herd of Excellence honor has become one of the most coveted Holstein Association USA awards. The Herd of Excellence designation honors Registered Holstein breeders who have developed Holstein herds that excel in both production and type.
To be recognized with this accolade, herds must have classified within the last year and have an age-adjusted average classification score of 83 points or higher; have at least 70 percent of the herd homebred; and be enrolled in the Association's TriStarSM production records program. Additionally, qualifying herds must meet the following production criteria:
- 10 to 99 cows - 25 percent above breed average ME for milk, fat and protein
- 100 to 499 cows - 20 percent above breed average ME for milk, fat and protein
- 500+ cows - 15 percent above breed average ME for milk, fat and protein
Of the 17 herds, eight are first year recipients. B-Long Holsteins, New London, Wis. has received the award seven years and Ever-Green-View Farms, Waldo, Wis is an eight-year recipient.
This year’s honorees are:
500+ herd size division:
- The Zwald Family, Bomaz Inc., Hammond, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 32,168M 1,223F 1,036P
- Bradley Cates, Co-Vale Holsteins, Preble, N.Y.
ME Production Averages — 31,849M 1,233F 997P
- The Migliazzo Family, Dinomi Holsteins, Atwater, Calif.
ME Production Averages — 37,473M 1,396F 1,194P
- The Agresti Family, Double D Dairy, Ceres, Calif.
ME Production Averages — 32,761M 1,210F 1,008P
- The Schloneger Family, Legacy Farm LLC, Shell Lake, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 32,084M 1,316F 1,054P
- The Siemers Family, Siemers Holstein Farm, Inc., Newton, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 36,359M 1,373F 1,075P
100 to 499 herd size division:
- The Koepke Family, Koepke Farms Inc., Oconomowoc, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 35,448M 1,476F 1,062P
- The Koester Family, Koester Dairy Inc., Dakota, Ill.
ME Production Averages — 35,254M 1,390F 1,117P
- Benjamin F. & Carolyn A. Turner, Maplelane-Manor Farm, Apulia Station, N.Y.
ME Production Averages — 33,190M 1,347F 1,081P
- Gerald & Kevin Ihm, True-Blue Holsteins, Barneveld, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 32,794M 1,251F 1,008P
10 to 99 herd size division:
- S. Scott & April D. Cooper, Appealing Holsteins, Delta, Pa.
ME Production Averages — 38,374M 1,467F 1,127P
- George Malkemus & Anthony Yurgaitis, Arethusa Farm LLC, Litchfield, Conn.
ME Production Averages — 34,988M 1,443F 1,066P
- Bruce, Brenda & Bret Long, B-Long Holsteins, New London, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 37,665M 1,330F 1,153P
- Daniel L. Vandertie, Doorco Holsteins, Brussels, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 34,194M 1,322F 1,042P
- Thomas J. Kestell, Ever-Green-View Holsteins, LLC, Waldo, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 41,247M 1,557F 1,242P
- Grafton County Farm, Grafco Holsteins, North Haverhill, N.H.
ME Production Averages — 35,483M 1,392F 1,086P
- Daryl & Pam Nunes, Ocean View Genetics, Deerfield, Wis.
ME Production Averages — 36,969M 1,400F 1,062P
These Holstein breeders are acknowledged for having mastered the art of breeding balanced cattle — exceptional conformation paired with high production. Congratulations to the 2017 Herd of Excellence honorees.
The awards will be presented during Holstein Association USA's 133rd Annual Meeting in Acme, Michigan.
Read more about these remarkable herds in the Spring 2018 issue of The Pulse. Select pages of The Pulse are available online at www.holsteinusa.com under the Latest News tab, then click The Pulse.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., April 18, 2018 — The National Junior Holstein Association is a dynamic organization for youth under the age of 21, with over 8,000 active members in 48 states. Eight finalists have been named in Holstein Association USA’s annual Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) competition.
The YDJM recognition is designed to reward youth, ages 9 to 16, who demonstrate a firsthand working knowledge of the dairy industry. Applicants must participate in Registered Holstein®, dairy and other activities, be role models for other youth and good spokespeople for the dairy industry.
The 2018 Young Distinguished Junior Members Finalists are:
- Eliza Endres, Waunakee, Wis., daughter of Randy and Karen Endres
- Nathan Erbsen, Lanark, Ill., son of Carl and Becky Erbsen
- Matthew Gunst, Hartford, Wis., son of Dennis and Nichole Gunst
- Julia Heijkoop, Webster, Fla., daughter of Johan and Trisha Keijkoop
- Hannah Hockerman, Westfield, Wis., daughter of Greg and Dawn Hockerman
- Samantha Pitterle, Watertown, Wis., daughter of Mark and Val Pitterle
- Audrie Risser, Lebanon, Pa., daughter of John and Alisha Risser
- Blake Wright, Verona, Mo., son of Larry and Jodi Wright
Kelli Dunklee, Holstein Association USA & Holstein Foundation Program Specialist states, "One of the most important components of Holstein Association USA is its youth programs. The Young Distinguished Junior Member program, which began in 2004, recognizes the future of the dairy industry. This honor has become an extremely coveted award by honoring youth from across the country while drawing future leaders committed to Registered Holsteins."
Applicants for the YDJM award complete an entry book, which summarizes their involvement with Holstein cattle and programs, as well as other extracurricular activities.
The eight finalists will be recognized during the 2018 National Holstein Convention, June 29-July 3, 2018 in Acme, Mich.
For more information about the YDJM contest or other Holstein youth programs, visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors, or contact Kelli Dunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124 or by email.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., April 17, 2018 — Semifinalists in the 96th Annual Holstein Association USA Distinguished Junior Member contest, a competition recognizing excellence in the Junior Holstein Association, are announced.
Established in 1922, this contest is the longest running Holstein youth program. The Distinguished Junior Member award is the highest honor given to members of the National Junior Holstein Association, ages 17 to 21, in recognition of a commitment to the Holstein breed and involvement in a variety of agriculture related activities.
The 2018 Distinguished Junior Members Semifinalists are:
- Alexandra Gambonini, Petaluma, Ca., daughter of Frank and Stacey Gambonini
- Daniel Kitchen, Danville, Pa., son of Randall and Patricia Kitchen
- Haely Leiding, Fountain, Minn., daughter of Todd and Stacy Leiding
- Kayla Leiding, Fountain, Minn., daughter of Todd and Stacy Leiding
- Samuel Minch, Green Bay, Wis., son of Glenn and Shelby Minch
- Austin Nauman, Norwalk, Wis., son of Danielle Nauman and Scott Stanford
- Erin Norris, Westhampton, Mass., daughter of Karl and Lisa Norris
- Joseph Opsal, Blue Mounds, Wis., son of Troy Opsal and Jane Sarbacker
- Taylor Pool, Robesonia, Pa., daughter of David and Martha Pool
- Nicholas Logan Potts, Purcellville, Va., son of Mike and Nancy Potts
- Mary Scott, Westgate, Iowa, daughter of Mike and Kathleen Scott
- Danielle Warmka, Fox Lake, Wis., daughter of Russ and Laura Warmka
Each of the semifinalists completed an entry book, detailing their Junior Holstein project work, involvement with their cattle, program participation, and school and community activities.
The twelve semifinalists will interview at the National Holstein Convention, June 29-July 3, 2018 in Acme, Mich. Six finalists are announced at the Junior Awards Luncheon on July 3 at the Grand Traverse Resort & Spa.
Finalists receive annual renewed memberships to Holstein Association USA. All Junior Holstein members, ages 17 to 21 are eligible to apply for the Distinguished Junior Member recognition.
For more information about the DJM contest or other Holstein youth programs, visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors, or contact Kelli Dunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124 or by email.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., March 14, 2018 — Holstein Association USA is excited to announce a new program for producers with robotic milking systems who no longer are participating in traditional milk recording programs but still wish to have their production information published on Official Holstein PedigreesTM. Known as TriStarSM AMR, the goal of the program is to allow producers with robotic milking systems that are recording both milk weights and component data to have the information collected by those systems flow into the Holstein herdbook database. This program is an extension of HAUSA’s TriStar program, a longstanding service for administering production records, cow and herd genetic performance reports, and recognition.
“We're pleased to be able to offer a new service to dairies with robotic milking systems, so they can streamline their milk weights and component information to help them manage their herds,” said Holstein Association USA CEO John M. Meyer. “More cows are being milked with robotic milking systems every day, and our AMR program is just what their owners have been looking for, and we are happy to provide it. This program represents a new evolution in the dairy industry.”
TriStar AMR is only for herds who are no longer participating in DHIA milk recording programs; herds testing with DHIA are eligible for the traditional TriStar production records program options. Once enrolled, HAUSA and AgriTech Analytics (ATA) will coordinate with producers to receive data from their on-farm system, have it processed at ATA, and sent on to HAUSA for loading into the herdbook database.
Herds will have 305-day production records added to their Official Holstein Pedigrees as soon as the record is processed. Production records coming from these on-farm systems will be clearly labeled on Official Holstein Pedigrees with “AMR” printed in front of the record, in the area where TriStar level designations are typically printed.
The fees to participate in TriStar AMR are a $17 per month herd fee, plus $2 per completed 305-day lactation recorded that is loaded for Registered Holstein® cows, which covers data collection and processing by ATA, and loading into the HAUSA herdbook system. TriStar AMR is not included in Holstein COMPLETE®, and at this time, AMR records are not eligible for recognition programs.
To enroll in TriStar AMR or get more information about this new program, call Holstein Association USA customer service at 800.952.5200.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., March 2, 2018 — Holstein Association USA is offering an opportunity for breeders to advertise Registered Holsteins® for sale via a page on the Holstein Association USA website. The development of the Holstein Marketplace comes at a time when Registered Holstein breeders are looking for quality genetics to help maximize their profitability. The new Holstein Marketplace provides easy, affordable advertising to help Registered Holstein breeders optimize their investment.
Classified ads may be submitted by using the form found on the Holstein Marketplace website, www.holsteinusa.com/marketplace. Complete the form and email the information to [email protected].
Ads are only accepted for Registered Holsteins. The advertisements are grouped into broad categories for Females, Breeding Bulls, Embryos and Sales/Dispersals. As a condition of advertising and potentially selling cattle through this service, sellers must agree to pay for the transfer of the animals, complete the transfer, and submit it upon completion.
Advertisements of up to 100 words will cost $25 per month. If the text is 101 words or more, the cost is $25 plus an additional 10 cents per word. For added value, breeders have the option of linking their advertisements to a genomic prediction or pedigree for $5 per animal. Links to a website or Facebook page can also be included in the ad. Advertisements will be invoiced to your Holstein Association USA account.
Requests to place advertisements will be accepted anytime. New ads will be placed on the Holstein Marketplace website the first business day of each month and all ads remain on the site until the last business day of that month.
Partial month advertisements are offered at the same rate. These ads will be uploaded to the Holstein Marketplace within five business days.
This new service helps further the popularity of the Holstein breed and provides another avenue to connect Registered Holstein breeders.
Visit www.holsteinusa.com/marketplace to submit an ad today. With questions contact, [email protected] or call us at 802.451.4128.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., February 9, 2018 — More often than not, a trip to the grocery store involves dairy products. Whether it's milk, ice cream, yogurt or cheese, most Americans consume dairy products every single day.
What is often taken for granted is the fact that an entire industry makes that purchase possible. It’s thanks to hundreds of thousands of dairy cattle and their caretakers who provide safe, quality products for consumers worldwide.
Holstein Association USA paid tribute to the iconic, black-and-white Holstein cow and the dedicated people who raise them in the premiere episode of Holstein America, which aired February 8 on RFD-TV.
Tune in or set your DVR to record Holstein America’s second airing at 5 a.m. CST Saturday, February 10 on RFD-TV.
Sponsored by Merck Animal Health, the hour-long program shines a spotlight on the nation’s Holstein producers — from California's lush central valley to the fall treetops of Vermont. The inspiring stories are available on the Holstein America landing page at www.holsteinusa.com.
Featured in the first-ever Holstein America broadcast are:
Mark Crave, Crave Brothers Farm LLC, Waterloo, Wis., shares how the family-owned operation at the heart of the dairy state relies on Registered Holsteins® to produce cheese for nationwide distribution.
Jonathan and Alicia Lamb, Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, N.Y., have built their family around their Registered Holstein herd, where they employ the industry's latest science and technology to drive progress.
Glen and Michael Brown of Brown Dairy Inc., Coalville, Utah, are experiencing urban encroachment around their family's dairy operation; however, they remain optimistic about their future thanks to Registered Holsteins.
Michael Santos, Terra Linda Dairy, Tulare, Calif., manages the breeding program for their family's fourth-generation dairy farm, and explains how the Holstein Association's Start-Up program has added value to their cow herd.
Andy Birch, Maple Grove Farm, Derby, Vt., says it had been nine years since cows were milked in the barn where he grew up. Now, he and his wife, Sarah, are back on the farm to make a life doing what they love: raising Holstein cattle.
Steve Maddox, Maddox Dairy, Riverdale, Calif., remains focused on genetics and continuous herd improvement on his family's large-scale Holstein operation in California's central valley.
Joey Airoso, Airoso Dairy Farms, Pixley, Calif., shares his family's commitment to quality cattle and milk products for five generations in the making. This segment was produced with our friends at Merck Animal Health.
Rick Adams, Sugar Creek Dairy, Elkhorn, Wis., says the opportunity to continue improving the performance of his farm with Registered Holsteins keeps him optimistic about the future.
Dallas Cornelius, Cla-Cor Farms, Easton, Mo., says the hope of a calf being better than its parents is the gratifying feeling that keeps him in the dairy business, and the Holstein COMPLETE® program contributes to that mission.
Harry and Lacey Papageorge, Pappy's Farm LLC, Farr West, Utah, share their family's inspiring history as Greek immigrants in the United States, living out their American dream while raising Registered Holsteins.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., January 30, 2018 — Registration is now open for the Holstein Association USA 2018 Judges Conference, to be held on Thursday, April 26, in Madison, Wisconsin, in conjunction with the Midwest Spring National Holstein Show.
The one-day conference will run from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interested participants can register for the conference on the Holstein Association USA website with a credit card. The pre-registration fee is $50, which closes two weeks before the conference, on April 12. Late registrants and walk-ins will pay a $100 fee. To attend the conference, you must be 22 years old by the day of the conference.
The conference includes judging classes as well as cow-side classroom sessions. Participants will judge six high-quality Holstein classes, one of which will be assigned for oral reasons.
If you plan to apply for the Holstein Association USA Judges List in the future, you must first attend and receive a satisfactory rating at a Holstein Association USA Judges Conference. If you are currently on the Holstein Association USA Judges List, you must attend and receive a satisfactory rating at a Holstein Association USA Judges Conference every five years.
To register online, visit: www.holsteinusa.com/shows/judges_preregister.html. For more information, contact Jodi Hoynoski at 800.952.5200, ext. 4261 or by email.
Hotel accommodations can be made at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Madison Central, 610 John Nolan Drive, Madison, WI; phone 608-709-5050. Ask for the WI Dairy Showcase - Holstein room rate of $144/night plus tax, available until March 26, subject to availability.
Looking ahead, the 2019 Holstein USA Judges Conference will be held at the Ohio Spring Dairy Expo in Columbus, Ohio.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., January 17, 2018 — It’s a convenience far too easy to take for granted. A quick run to the grocery store for a gallon of milk, package of cheese or quart of ice cream. Always available, always fresh.
An entire industry makes that purchase possible — hundreds of thousands of dairy cattle and their caretakers who provide quality products for consumers worldwide.
Holstein Association USA pays tribute to dairy farmers from coast to coast during the premiere episode of Holstein America, 9 p.m. CST, Thursday, Feb. 8 on RFD-TV. Mark the calendar or set your DVR to record this anticipated television broadcast.
“The Holstein breed’s story is among the most successful in U.S. agriculture — and it’s written by generations of passionate dairy producers,” says John Meyer, CEO of Holstein Association USA. “We’re honored to introduce these individuals and families in the Holstein America series.”
The hour-long program, sponsored by Merck Animal Health, shines a spotlight on the nation’s Holstein producers — from California’s lush central valley to the fall treetops of Vermont. Meet those who have dedicated their lives to U.S. Registered Holsteins®; each cow an improvement on the past.
“No other breed can do the things that the Holstein breed can do,” Meyer says. “That’s why it’s the world’s perfect cow.”
The iconic, black-and-white Holstein cow provides the world with high-quality, nutritious dairy products that are the cornerstone to most modern diets. Today, the breed accounts for more than 90% of milk production in the United States. Levels made possible thanks to continuous improvements in efficiency and productivity.
Like each distinctive animal, each Registered Holstein operation is unique. Each family motivated by their own goals and aspirations. In Holstein America, learn about modern-day dairy production and hear from those with a passion for the Holstein breed of cattle.
A few featured in the upcoming show are:
Crave Brothers Farm near Waterloo, Wis., a family operation that’s a key cheese supplier for Whole Foods Market; Maple Grove Farm in Derby, Vt., where a young couple labors long hours together raising Registered Holsteins®; Maddox Dairy near Riverdale, Calif., a large-scale operation at the heart of California’s central valley; Pappy’s Farm, Farr West, Utah, home to a family of Greek immigrants who are living out their American dream; and many more.
Again, join us for Holstein America at 9 p.m. CST, Thursday, Feb. 8.
RFD-TV is a leading independent cable channel available on DISH Network, DIRECTV®, AT&T U-Verse, Charter Spectrum, Cox, Comcast, Mediacom, Suddenlink and many other rural cable systems. Reference your local listings for more information.
After the show, visit www.holsteinusa.com to find a complete collection of the videos online.
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., January 15, 2018 - Holstein Association USA has released the lists of the top Holstein Breed Age Average (BAA%) herds for 2017 classifications. The BAA value provides a way to compare the score of a herd average to the average of the breed, taking into account age of the animal and stage of lactation. Herds participating in the Classic or Standard options of the Holstein Classification program receive an overall BAA for the herd.
Several lists have been created to recognize members of all herd sizes and all areas of the country. Find the 2017 Overall Top 200 BAA Herds, Top 25 BAA Herds by Region, Top 25 BAA Herds by Herd Size, and Top 10 BAA Herds for Colleges & Universities on www.holsteinusa.com. To appear on these lists, a herd must have at least 10 cows included in the BAA calculation. If a herd classified more than once during the year, only the most recent BAA was considered for inclusion. All eligible herds are automatically evaluated.
The average BAA% for all herds in 2017 was 106.5. Six herds had a BAA of over 114.0, and Matthew T. Mitchell of Tenn. earns the recognition of having the highest BAA in the U.S. last year at 116.5 on 10 cows. Rounding out the top five include Milk Source LLC, Wis.; Eaton Holsteins, N.Y.; Michael J. Garrow, N.Y.; Michael & Julie Duckett, Wis.; and Timothy M. & Sharyn W. Abbott, Vt.
To view the complete list of 2017 Top BAA Herds under the Popular Lists section on the Holstein Association USA homepage, go directly to www.holsteinusa.com/programs_services/baa_lists_2017.html
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt., January 4, 2018 – Holstein Association USA members set an all-time record by officially identifying 742,910 Holsteins in 2017. This is an increase of eight percent or 52,357 over the previous record set in 2016.
Registrations totaled 384,181 head, up 6,876 from 2016. Additionally, there were 358,729 animals identified through the Association’s Basic ID program, an increase of 45,481. The Basic ID program is a stepping stone to full registry status.
The popularity of the Holstein breed continues to escalate. Holstein Association USA CEO John M. Meyer states, “Dairy cattle breeders appreciate the superiority of Holstein genetics, and that there are more Holstein bulls to select from than bulls of all other dairy breeds combined. The continual outstanding growth of the Holstein breed speaks to the economic advantage dairies across the country receive by producing Holstein milk.”
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Brattleboro, Vt. (January 1, 2018) - For several years, the Holstein Association USA, Inc. has offered its Cattle Identification Database (CID) program. The CID program records breed composition and performance data for any breed or a combination of breeds.
Effective January 1, 2018, the price will increase to $10. The cost of a duplicate CID certificate will also be $10.
If you have any questions about the CID program, please contact the Association's customer service department at 800.952.5200.
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