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Holstein Association USA Judges Lists

Holstein Association USA is pleased to provide a list of certified judges that can be a resource for shows of all sizes around the country looking for a judge. Names and phone numbers are provided for everyone on the list, and those highlighted in blue have provided additional information including a photo, biography, and more about their judging experiences. Click on any highlighted name to link to additional information.

The list has two tiers National and Approved. All National Holstein Shows will be required to select their judges from the National list. Associate judges for National Shows must be selected from either the National or Approved list. Nationally-sanctioned Junior Holstein Shows must select their judge from either the National or Approved list.

The Judges List has been revised to provide more clarity and transparency to members. The following changes have been made to the list:

red bullet To place on the National Judges List, applicants must have judged as a lead judge in a State Holstein or higher-level show within the last 10 years.

red bullet The list previously known as the Qualified List has been renamed to the Approved List.

red bullet The Approved List is made up of applicants who have participated in a Judges Conference within the last five years and received a satisfactory rating from the conference.

red bullet Also new in 2024, Judges must reapply every five years instead of every year.

With questions about the judges list, please contact Tim Ziemba at 315.730.3312, or via email

Tips For Judging Shows On A Professional Level

Holstein Association USA National Judges List

Name Location Contact Number
Joey Airoso California 559.967.5258
Stephanie Aves-Schroeder Wisconsin 815.979.4696
Derik Baumer Ohio 937.726.9637
Brian Behnke Wisconsin 608.279.2016
Jamie Black New York 518.353.2602
Pierre Boulet Quebec 418.234.3407
Jeff Brown Ohio 419.295.5088
Eddie Bue Wisconsin 715.299.4651
Mandi Bue Wisconsin 715.896.5418
Justin Burdette Pennsylvania 717.860.3747
John Burket Pennsylvania 814.239.2260
Brian Carscadden Ontario 416.990.8018
Tyler Carter Wisconsin 618.267.1825
Dale Chupp Oklahoma 918.630.0495
Tyler Chupp Oklahoma 918.629.8893
Lucas Clanton Illinois 618.322.3523
Pat Conroy Indiana 260.402.4494
Brian Coyne Wisconsin 715.495.1447
Katie Coyne New York 920.723.8185
David Crack Quebec 819.352.1670
Kelli Cull Wisconsin 920.960.1484
Ted DeMent Illinois 217.725.2432
Kyle Demmer Iowa 563.451.5376
Kevin Doeberiener Ohio 814.573.6982
Dean Dohle Missouri 417.838.8036
Mike Duckett Wisconsin 715.459.6480
Aaron Eaton New York 315.857.8303
Brian Engleking Indiana 260.438.9509
John Erbsen Illinois 815.275.4990
Brandon Ferry Wisconsin 608.335.8861
Nicole Schwab Massachusetts 413.230.9429
Joe Gibbs Iowa 563.543.0113
Elizabeth Hall Vermont 320.583.4021
David Hanson Minnesota 218.686.2223
Lynn Harbaugh Wisconsin 920.420.1524
Matt Hawbaker Maryland 717.360.7848
Aaron Heinzmann Illinois 618.781.7994
Julie Hemp Illinois 815.383.2951
Matt Henkes Iowa 563.880.8614
Brad Hoover Pennsylvania 717.507.7976
Jamie Howard Ontario 519.281.0637
Yan Jacobs Quebec 418.520.9858
Sean Johnson Maryland 301.676.2230
Kevin Jorgensen Wisconsin 920.210.3992
Brian Kelroy Wisconsin 920.979.5280
Ryan Krohlow Wisconsin 920.639.5500
Chris Lahmers Ohio 614.306.7194
Londa Lauber Wisconsin 262.210.2801
Jason Lloyd New York 518.231.1731
Patrick Lundy New York 518.932.2236
Thomas McCauley Michigan 616.446.2670
Chris McCullough Wisconsin 608.214.9742
Callum McKinven Quebec 819.432.4776
Shaun Merrill New York 315.246.1636
Jason Miley Ohio 330.466.8509
Matthew Mitchell Tennessee 423.912.2493
Kyle Natzke California 920.979.0593
Brian Olbrich Illinois 815.482.7426
Terri Packard Maryland 860.459.5337
Allyn Paulson Illinois 605.868.9028
Barclay Phoenix Ontario 905.431.8340
Esteban Posada Renovales Mexico 524421560693
Dylan Reed Illinois 217.254.5397
Andrew Reynolds New York 585.813.6298
Kelly Reynolds New York 920.728.1596
Tyler Reynolds New York 585.356.8123
Beth Roberts New Jersey 908.674.1574
Mark Rueth Wisconsin 920.988.3070
Chad Ryan Wisconsin 920.960.1449
Joshua Sanders Pennsylvania 732.406.4949
Austen Schmidt Wisconsin 920.960.8804
Graisson Schmidt California 608.797.2855
Jordan Siemers Wisconsin 920.946.8525
Ben Simpson Ohio 740.312.5865
Molly Sloan Wisconsin 815.670.3706
Chad Steinberger Texas 940.733.0430
Jeff Stookey Indiana 574.265.1959
Robert Teixeira California 209.495.0367
Jennifer Thomas Ohio 614.395.9823
Nathan Thomas Ohio 937.537.0805
Keith Topp Ohio 937.489.9587
Phillip Topp Ohio 937.538.7423
Paul Trapp Wisconsin 715.896.7062
Roger Turner Wisconsin 608.770.0012
Thomas Uber Pennsylvania 330.853.9297
Bonnie Van Dyk Wisconsin 715.220.6612
Steve Wagner Maine 717.989.7180
Ryan Weigel Wisconsin 608.434.4109
Bryce Windecker New York 315.717.4456
Laurie Winkelman Wisconsin 920.209.0250
Larry Wright Missouri 417.300.4835
Joshua Wright Idaho 801.404.1627
Kevin Ziemba New York 315.730.6673
Jason Zimmerman New York 585.481.5912

Holstein Association USA
Approved Judges List

The following judges are approved by Holstein Association USA to serve as judges at nationally-sanctioned Junior Holstein Shows. All nationally-sanctioned Junior Holstein Shows must select their judge from either the National Judges List or the Holstein Association USA Approved Judges List.

Holstein Association USA encourages state and regional Holstein show management to utilize the National Judges List and Approved Judges List when selecting judges for their shows. With questions about the judges lists, please contact Tim Ziemba at 315.730.3312, or via email.

Name Location Contact Number
Collin Allardyce Ontario 519.865.1280
Martin Artucio Uruguay 59899664402
Kari Behling Wisconsin 608.444.2441
Ryan Bilyeu Missouri 417.838.1093
Nathan Boehm North Dakota 701.220.8174
Nico Bons Netherlands +31 630141782
Bret Bossard New York 315.420.7750
Jeff Brantmeier Wisconsin 920.205.4976
Daniel Brochu Quebec 819.795.9901
Danielle Brown Wisconsin 608.574.7726
Shayne Brus Quebec 819.838.5469
Betsy Bullard Maine 207.713.5145
Jarrod K Burleigh Pennsylvania 570.772.3542
Christopher Carpio Colorado 970.590.8800
Julien Chabot Ontario 613.240.4452
Jean-Philippe Charest Quebec 418.894.7934
Jennifer Charlton Ontario 519 761 8124
Cyrus Conard New York 518.369.3389
Grant Cope Ohio 330.423.2323
Christopher Curtiss New York 518.378.2800
Paige Demun New York 607.661.6853
Nathan Donnay Minnesota 320.510.3381
Steve Fraser Ontario 226.821.2726
Brad Gavenlock Australia  1161437299205
Steve Glaude Quebec 819.674.9853
Patrick Gubelmann Switzerland 0041 79 176 53 45
Theodore Halbach Wisconsin 608.219.5289
Brooks Hendrickson Wisconsin 608.225.5520
James Hoffman Pennsylvania 570.617.1239
Amy Schaufelberger Hoover Pennsylvania 618.267.1899
Brent Howe Ontario 519.282.5245
Alex Huibregtse Wisconsin 920.838.3229
Jason James Wisconsin 608.341.8250
Leah James Wisconsin 507.312.4311
Gary Jones Ireland 353879432135
Bailee Kearns Wisconsin 417.224.7590
Mark Keller Wisconsin 608.513.6455
Justine Kelsey New York 315.447.0042
Rudy Kiko Ohio 330.540.2416
Daniel Kitchen Pennsylvania 570.384.8539
Mikayla Krause Texas 217.972.1842
Alan Kruse Iowa 563.451.9952
Kaleb Kruse Iowa 563.880.7495
Richard Landry Quebec 819.479.9166
William Langel Wisconsin 920.210.3998
Justin Langer Wisconsin 608.225.2743
Megan Lauber Wisconsin 262.902.3156
Carolyn Lawrence Pennsylvania 717.824.1320
Derek Lease Maryland 443.487.7426
Sarah Lehner Ohio 740.707.3332
Rafael Lopez Lopez Puerto Rico 787.356.7382
Mike Lortie Indiana 260.367.1700
Micah Matlock Indiana 317.468.5103
Cassie Menendez New York 315.717.2203
Kristen Metcalf Wisconsin 608.289.5373
Jennifer Meyer Wisconsin 920.850.0437
Steve Moff Ohio 614.205.7179
Michelle Morian Pennsylvania 814.282.3678
Austin T. Nauman New York 608.633.7503
Shawn Nehls Wisconsin 920.253.9923
Devin O'Hara Ontario 905.960.7282
Nate Oleniacz Pennsylvania 570.396.4789
David Packard New York 860.459.5868
Murray Polson  Australia 61419485241
Jessica Pralle-Trimner Wisconsin 715.533.1499
Bill Rauen Iowa 563.607.0694
Kyle Rivington Ontario 613.796.8769
Tanner Schmaling Wisconsin 262.949.4620
Mandy Schmidt California 707.484.2077
Dave Schmocker Wisconsin 920.723.1557
John Scoville New York 315.486.4141
Matt Sharpe New York 607.345.9852
Gregory Silva California 559.250.0138
Crystal Sinn Minnesota 920.242.7507
Kelsi Steffenhagen Wisconsin 815.222.7401
Trenton Styczynski Wisconsin 715.304.7773
Sarah Thomas Ohio 919.548.5531
Allen Van Gorder New York 240.727.4515
Jeff VanPatten New York 315.729.1072
Justin Velthuis Ontario 613.327.4288
Benjamin Wallace Wisconsin 608.931.9832
Mark Welk Pennsylvania 717.875.8393
Mike West Ontario 519.830.7876
Michael Wolf Connecticut 860.608.7856
Emily Yeiser Stepp Virginia 410.353.9532
Michael Yoder Pennsylvania 717.437.5846


Applications are available for download online. Your submission must be received by Holstein Association USA no later than June 1.

Judges List Application
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