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Red Book Plus/MultiMate
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pdf Instruction Manual
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Installation Instructions
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Call us at 800.952.5200 ext.4276

or contact us online.

You may also contact us to request
a printed copy of the Red Book Plus/MultiMate manual.

Please include your name and complete mailing address with your request.


Red Book Plus / MultiMate
MultiMate Cow Data File

*Note: You must have a high speed internet connection to download this program. If you are using a dial-up connection, please call 800.952.5200, and we will mail you a CD of the program. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Red Book Plus/MultiMateTM is a PC-based sire selection software program that gives users a tool to select bulls that meet their individual breeding goals, using information on over 180 different traits. Red Book Plus/MultiMate allows you to select from the almost 1,000 AI sires currently available in the U.S. The program is updated three times per year, after each genetic update.

This program is currently undergoing renovations! Check out Red Book Plus Online for more information on the updated version of the program, and stay tuned for future updates regarding MultiMate.

Current Red Book Plus/MultiMate subscribers are able to create a log-in for Red Book Plus Online at no additional charge.

System Requirements
Operating System:
Windows 98 or higher
Disk Space:
90 MB free disk space
128 MB RAM Memory
Display Setup
1024x768 pixels

Download Details
Updates downloaded from website: (Available April, August, and December)

Classification Files:                $25.00
Holstein Association USA, Inc.
Post Date:
August 2024
File Size:
33 MB



Genetic Evaluations - Locator ListsTM
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Top 5,000 Cows (Locator List cows)
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$1000 August 2024
Top 10,000 Cows
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$2000 August 2024