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Facts About Holstein Cattle

  • Holstein cattle are easily recognizable by their distinctive black and white markings, but may also be red and white in color (caused by a recessive genetic trait).

  • Mature Holstein cows typically weigh around 1,500 pounds and stand 58 inches tall at the shoulder, making them the largest of the U.S. dairy breeds.

  • Holsteins are known for their outstanding milk production, desirable phenotypic characteristics, and adaptability to a wide range of environments.

  • There are over 9 million dairy cows in the U.S., with approximately 90% of them being of Holstein descent.

  • Holsteins can thrive in the many various management settings of the U.S. dairy industry, and can be found from coast to coast.

  • Holstein cows typically calve for the first time when they are 23 to 26 months of age, with healthy calves weighing an average of 80 to 100 pounds at birth. Holsteins have a gestation period of nine months.

  • Holstein cows give more milk than any other dairy breed in the U.S. The average Holstein cow produces around 23,000 pounds of milk, or 2,674 gallons, of milk each lactation. With a standard lactation lasting 305 days, that comes out to 75 pounds, or almost 9 gallons of milk per cow per day.

  • The world record for milk production was set by a Holstein cow in 2017 when “Selz-Pralle Aftershock 3918”, a cow from Wisconsin, produced 78,170 pounds of milk in a year.

  • Black and white Holstein cows have claimed Supreme Champion honors, the highest recognition given for elite phenotypic characteristics, at the world’s largest dairy cattle exhibition, the World Dairy Expo (held each fall in Madison, Wis.) 35 times in the past 51 years.

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Learn more about why Holsteins are the breed of choice for U.S. dairy producers.

Watch this short video to learn more about our members and the
Holstein cow's significance to U.S. agriculture.

Experience the Power of Black and White